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Act on Danish subsoil exploitation (No. 1533 of 2019).

Type du document
1981 (2019)
Ressources minérales
Mot clé
Législation de base Exploration ZEE-Zone Economique Exclusive Plateau continental Autorisation/permis Politique/planification Taxe/impôt Transport/dépôt Hydrocarbures Concession Commerce intérieur Exploitation minière Zone marine
Aire géographique
Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne, Mer du Nord, Atlantique du Nord-Est, Europe du Nord

This Act sets rules on the appropriate exploitation of the Danish underground and its natural resources in adherence to EU regulations. It applies to Danish EEZ and on the Danish continental shelf area and particularly to the planning of extraction of raw materials of the subsoil which has not been subject to economic exploitation in Denmark prior to 23 February 1932, to the exploitation of underground storage or for any purpose other than extraction of raw materials, and to scientific studies of the subsurface. The Minister of Climate and Energy shall grant permission for a period of max. 3 years to studies for the exploration and production of commodities covered in this Act and/or the exploitation of underground storage or purpose other than recovery. Expropriation activities are subject to licence and companies involved in this sector business shall pay a governmental fee thereof in addition to a tax calculated on the basis of area size covered by the permit (land tax) and a tax calculated on the amount of extracted raw materials (production tax); there may be conditions on the payment to pay the government a share of these activities’ economic revenues. Permit of research and exploration of hydrocarbons shall be notified after the Minister of Climate and Energy decides methods thereof. Permission granted shall be based on two criteria: a) expertise and financial background and b) the research applicants must notify method planned to perform in specific area. Successfully granted permits shall then be given a commencement date when to begin such extraction activities. The Minister of Climate and Energy shall decide on state-owned companies to have the purchase right of max. 50% of a licensee's current production of liquid hydrocarbons. Permits for exploration and production of geothermal energy shall be notified after the public call for applications through gazette. The subsoil suitability for geological storage of CO2, which criteria is determined on the basis of the characterization and assessment of the potential storage and surrounding area, shall be governed by the Minister of Climate and Energy criteria decisions.

Texte intégral
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Références - Législation


Council Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds.

Législation | Union européenne | 1979 (2003)

Mot clé: Oiseaux, Chasse/capture, Espèces menacées, Gestion/conservation, Protection de l'habitat, Équipement de chasse/méthodes de chasse, Protection des espèces


Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora

Législation | Union européenne | 1992 (2013)

Mot clé: Préservation de l'écosystème, Aire protégée, Biodiversité, Protection de l'habitat, Faune sauvage, Flore sauvage, Gestion/conservation, Espèces menacées, Chasse/capture, Équipement de chasse/méthodes de chasse, Collecte de données/déclarations, Protection des espèces


Directive 94/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conditions for granting and using authorizations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons.

Législation | Union européenne | 1994

Mot clé: Hydrocarbures, Exploration, Exploitation minière, Plateau continental, Autorisation/permis, Zone marine


Council Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment.

Législation | Union européenne | 1985

Mot clé: EIA, Autorisation/permis, Planification territoriale, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives


Implementé par

Order No. 684 on EIA, impact assessment of international conservation areas and protection of certain species in offshore projects related to research and abstraction of hydrocarbon storage, laying of underground pipelines.

Législation | Danemark | 2011

Mot clé: Autorisation/permis, Biocarburant, EIA, Conservation de l'énergie/production de l'énergie, Gaz naturel, Hydrocarbures, Politique/planification, Transport/dépôt, Plateau continental, Zone marine


Order No. 1132 on third party use of facilities for extraction, treatment and transport of hydrocarbon.

Législation | Danemark | 2011

Mot clé: Exploration, Transport/dépôt, Droit d'accès, Plateau continental, Commerce intérieur, Collecte de données/déclarations, Autorisation/permis, Hydrocarbures, Zone marine


Order No. 1133 on Energy Agency's functions and powers.

Législation | Danemark | 2011

Mot clé: Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives, Commerce intérieur, Conservation de l'énergie/production de l'énergie, Institution, Recherche, Subvention/incitation, Éco-produits/processus écologique, Énergie renouvelable, Changement de climat


Order No. 859 on geological storage of CO2.

Législation | Danemark | 2011

Mot clé: Transport/dépôt, Charbon, Exploration, Exploitation minière, Autorisation/permis, Gaz naturel


Order No. 1419 on VVM impact assessment on international nature protection areas and protection of certain species of exploration and production of hydrocarbons, underground storage, pipelines offshore.

Législation | Danemark | 2015

Mot clé: Protection de l'habitat, Pollution de la mer, Exploitation minière, Exploration, Transport/dépôt, Plateau continental, Zones marines protégées, Fonds marins, Mer territoriale, Aire protégée, Zone marine


Regulation No. 1050 on the administration of international nature conservation areas and protection of certain species in pre-exploration, exploration, and extraction of hydrocarbons, underground storage, offshore pipelines, and related activities (the Offshore Habitat Regulation).

Législation | Danemark | 2022

Mot clé: Exploration, Gaz naturel, Exploitation minière, Autorisation/permis, Mer territoriale, ZEE-Zone Economique Exclusive, Plateau continental, Fonds marins, Pollution de la mer, Zone marine, Gestion/conservation, Aire protégée, Préservation de l'écosystème, Protection de l'habitat, Protection des espèces, Évaluation/gestion des risques


Order No. 1425 on geological storage of CO2 and other substances.

Législation | Danemark | 2016

Mot clé: Transport/dépôt, Charbon, Exploration, Exploitation minière, Autorisation/permis, Gaz naturel, Collecte de données/déclarations, Inspection


Order No. 56 on the submission of samples and other information about the Danish subsoil.

Législation | Danemark | 2002

Mot clé: Collecte de données/déclarations, Exploitation minière, Exploration, Plateau continental, Zone marine


Amendé par

Act amending the Danish subsoil exploitation Act, the Electricity Supply Act, the Coastal Protection Act, other harbor acts etc. (No. 548 of 2007).

Législation | Danemark | 2007

Mot clé: Lutte contre la pollution, Mise en application, Gestion/conservation, Plateau continental, Zone marine


Act amending the Act on Danish subsoil exploitation ((No. 1230 of 2003).

Législation | Danemark | 2003

Mot clé: Hydrocarbures, Contrat/accord, Exploration, Mise en application, Commerce intérieur, Exploitation minière


Act amending the Act on Danish subsoil exploitation (No. 541 of 2011).

Législation | Danemark | 2011

Mot clé: Transport/dépôt, Mise en application, Exploration, Commerce intérieur, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives, Droit d'accès, Hydrocarbures, Gaz naturel


Order No. 1400 on amending various Acts related to the Ministry of Climate and Energy sectors.

Législation | Danemark | 2008

Mot clé: Conservation de l'énergie/production de l'énergie, Enregistrement, Changement de climat


Act amending Act on Danish subsoil exploitation (No. 535 of 2015).

Législation | Danemark | 2015

Mot clé: Exploration, Politique/planification, Exploitation minière, Gaz naturel, Collecte de données/déclarations, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives, Responsabilité/indemnisation, Lutte contre la pollution, Évaluation/gestion des risques