Act No. LXXXVI of 2007 on electricity and Governmental Decree No. 273 of 2007 (X.19.) implementing certain provisions of the Act. Pays/Territoire Hongrie Type du document Législation Date 2007 (2013) Source FAO, FAOLEX Sujet Énergie Mot clé Autorisation/permis Législation de base Conservation de l'énergie/production de l'énergie Institution Commerce intérieur Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives Énergie renouvelable Aire géographique Europe de l'Est, Europe, Europe et Asie Centrale, Pays de l'Union Européenne Entry into force notes The consolidated version of the Act entered into force on 17 May 2013. Résumé The purpose of this Act is: to create an efficient electricity market; to exercise the principles of energy efficiency and conservation in the interest of sustainable development; to ensure the access to electricity; to supply electricity to the consumers in a safe and smooth way, of adequate quality and at a transparent price; to protect efficiently the interests of consumers; to integrate national electricity market into EU markets; to promote the establishment of new generation capacity and new network infrastructures, and the access of new actors on the electricity market; to promote the generation of electricity using renewable energy sources and wastes. The Act must be applied to: (a) the generation, transmission, distribution, trade and consumption of electricity; (b) the operation of the electricity grid and ancillary services thereof; (c) the establishment, operation and decommissioning of electrical installations, customer connection systems, consumer equipment and direct lines; (d) licensing in the electricity sector. The Act consists of 24 Chapters (and of 184 Articles) dealing with the following matters: general provisions (Chapt. 1); electric energy production (Chapt. 2); common rules regarding the transmission system control, the distribution of electricity and the network licensees (Chapt. 3); access to networks (Chapt. 4); direct line, private line (Chapt. 5); measurement and meter reading (Chapt. 6); electricity trading (Chapt. 7); organized electricity market (Chapt. 8); consumers’ right and consumers to be protected (Chapt. 9); terms of business (Chapt. 10); general requisites of electric energy industry activities (Chapt. 11); partition of the activities (Chapt. 12); promotion of competition in the electricity market (Chapt. 13); licensing procedure of the building authority (Chapt. 14); electricity supply malfunction (Chapt. 15); price regulation (Chapt. 16); other financial provisions (Chapt. 17); supplying of data, confidentiality of information, secrecy (Chapt. 18); legal status, duties and competencies of the Hungarian National Energy Agency (Chapt. 19); mandatory provisions (Chapt. 20); transitional provisions (Chapt.21); modified laws (Chapt. 22); repealed laws (Chapt. 24). Texte intégral Hongrois Site web Références - Législation Implemente Directive 2004/8/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of cogeneration based on a useful heat demand in the internal energy market. Législation | Union européenne | 2004 Mot clé: Conservation de l'énergie/production de l'énergie, Énergie renouvelable Source: FAO, FAOLEX Directive 2003/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity. Législation | Union européenne | 2003 Mot clé: Conservation de l'énergie/production de l'énergie, Normes environnementales, Changement de climat, Couche d'ozone, Normes, Protection de l’environnement Source: FAO, FAOLEX Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market. Législation | Union européenne | 2001 Mot clé: Énergie renouvelable, Conservation de l'énergie/production de l'énergie, Politique/planification, Collecte de données/déclarations Source: FAO, FAOLEX Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC. Législation | Union européenne | 2009 Mot clé: Conservation de l'énergie/production de l'énergie, Normes environnementales, Changement de climat, Couche d'ozone, Normes, Protection de l’environnement Source: FAO, FAOLEX Amende Natural Gas Supply Act (No. XLII ) Législation | Hongrie | 2003 Mot clé: Gaz naturel, Transport/dépôt, Autorisation/permis Source: FAO, FAOLEX Abroge Electricity Act (No. CX) Législation | Hongrie | 2001 Mot clé: Conservation de l'énergie/production de l'énergie, Production d'énergie hydroélectrique, Énergie renouvelable, Autorisation/permis, Certification Source: FAO, FAOLEX Amendé par Act No. CXXIII of 2007 on expropriation. Législation | Hongrie | 2007 (2023) Mot clé: Contrat/accord, Expropriation, Régime foncier, Procédures judiciaires/procédures administratives, Responsabilité/indemnisation, Propriété, Transfert Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act No. CXXVIII of 2011 concerning disaster management and amending certain related acts. Législation | Hongrie | 2011 (2013) Mot clé: Collecte de données/déclarations, Risques, Gouvernance, Substances dangereuses, Système d'alerte précoce, Législation de base Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act No. XXII of 2013 on the Hungarian Utilities and Energy Control Agency. Législation | Hongrie | 2013 Mot clé: Institution, Gouvernance Source: FAO, FAOLEX Act No. LVII of 2015 concerning energy efficiency. Législation | Hongrie | 2015 Mot clé: Collecte de données/déclarations, Conservation de l'énergie/production de l'énergie, Éco-audit, Planification environnementale, Politique/planification Source: FAO, FAOLEX