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Sustainable transport and infrastructure, industry and energy

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Oct 10, 2017
Environnement gén.
Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians (Mai 22, 2003)
Fifth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Carpathian Convention
Site web

The Conference of the Parties

1. Welcomes ratification of the Protocol on Sustainable Transport to the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians (hereinafter Transport Protocol) by the Slovak Republic, Ukraine and Poland, and encourages the ratification of, or accession to, the Protocol by the Parties which have not yet done so;

2. Recommends the Working Group on Sustainable Transport, Infrastructure, Industry and Energy (hereinafter WG Transport) with support of the TRANSGREEN project, to develop a Strategic Action Plan for fostering the implementation of the Transport Protocol, invites other Working Groups and relevant stakeholders to support the process;

3. Recalling paragraphs 4 and 8 of decision COP4/5, welcomes approval of the TRANSGREEN project – Integrated Transport and Green Infrastructure Planning in the Danube-Carpathian Region for the Benefit of People and Nature funded by the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme, and appreciates the support given to the activities by the WG Transport, as well as the WG Biodiversity and the WG Spatial Development, welcomes the cooperation with WWF as the Lead Partner, and requests the Secretariat to participate in the project by providing expertise through an agreement with the Lead Partner;

4. Welcomes cooperation and experience sharing with the Balkan region through the project ClimaProof - Enhancing Environmental Performance and Climate Proofing of Infrastructure Investments in the Western Balkan Region from an EU integration perspective, including the use of the methodological approaches to high resolution, downscaled and bias corrected climate scenarios developed as part of the activities of the project.