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Preparations for the Twentieth Anniversary of the Adoption of the World Heritage Convention

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Numéro de référence
Déc 7, 1990
Espèces sauvages et écosystèmes
Convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial, culturel et naturel (Nov 23, 1972)
14e session du Comité
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33. The Committee noted with satisfaction the proposals submitted by the Secretariat in document CC-90/CONF.004/6 regarding two separate exercises designed to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention: on the one hand, an assessment of the implementation of the Convention and the preparation of a strategy for the future; on the other, promotional events designed to make the Convention better known.

34. The Committee felt that, although these were two separate exercises, there was a great deal to be said for regarding them as complementary so as to make 1992 a year of both celebration and reflection.

35. Regarding the assessment of the implementation of the Convention, the Committee insisted that the exercise be forward-looking and not restricted to dwelling on the past, so that it leads to a strategy for implementing the Convention in the coming decade. This strategy should focus both on the notion of world heritage and its definition, and on ways to better ensure the protection of world heritage properties.

36. The contribution of States Parties was deemed essential in ensuring the success of this reflection, and the Committee congratulated the Secretariat on having sent all States a circular letter proposing a framework.

37. The Committee accepted the Secretariat's proposal to ask a consultant to prepare a summary in cooperation with ICOMOS, ICCROM and the IUCN, to be submitted to a small group of experts early in 1992.

38. With regard to promotional activities, the Committee accepted the Secretariat's proposals aimed at developing regional and national activities and organizing a series of activities at Unesco Headquarters centering around the theme of world heritage in close cooperation with States members of Unesco.

39. As for activities outside Headquarters, the Secretariat called on the members of the Committee to mobilize resources for this purpose. The Committee noted with satisfaction several preliminary proposals by its members.

40. Speaking on behalf of ALECSO, the representative of Tunisia informed the Committee that this organization would be prepared to organize a regional information meeting on the occasion of this 20th anniversary.

41. The Committee also stressed the usefulness of directing these activities toward seeking sponsors for the World Heritage Fund, by making greater use of the World Heritage logo.

42. The Committee also recommended that activities be developed for young people, both at Unesco Headquarters and in the various countries. The Committee asked the Secretariat to produce a special series of video-cassettes for the 20th anniversary, consisting of a selection of extracts of films already made, which should be distributed at a low price.

43. The IUCN representative reminded the Committee that the fourth World Congress on National Parks would be held in Venezuela in 1991, with significant emphasis on the role of the World Heritage Convention in protecting natural heritage.

44. The Committee was of the opinion that the next General Conference of Unesco in 1991 should adopt a resolution encouraging States members of the Organization, whether they are parties to the Convention or not, to lend their full cooperation in celebrating' this anniversary by implementing activities in their countries.

45. Finally, the representative for the United States informed the Committee of his government's desire to host the extended session of the Committee, scheduled for 1992, and indicated that this invitation would be officially confirmed in 1991.