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Decision VCIX/2: Eighth meeting of the Ozone Research Managers and the Trust Fund for Research and Systematic Observation relevant to the Vienna Convention

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Nov 21, 2011
Air et atmosphère, Déchets et substances dangereuses
Convention pour la protection de la couche d'ozone (Mar 22, 1985)
Site web

Recalling that, pursuant to the objective defined in decision I/6 of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, the ozone research managers review ongoing national and international research and monitoring programmes with a view to ensuring the proper coordination of those programmes and identifying gaps that need to be addressed,

Recognizing that it is necessary and important to continue to monitor changes in the ozone layer and to understand the scale of the impact on the ozone layer of increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases and the implementation of the Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer,

Recalling decision VI/2, by which the Conference of the Parties established the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Financing Activities on Research and Systematic Observations Relevant to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer,

Noting with appreciation the contributions to the Trust Fund by several parties and the joint efforts of the World Meteorological Organization and the Ozone Secretariat in the implementation of the activities funded by the Trust Fund,

Noting that the Ozone Research Managers at their eighth meeting stated that although there had been progress in building capacity since their seventh meeting in 2008, much remained to be accomplished,

1.           To take note with appreciation of the report of the eighth meeting of the Ozone Research Managers;

2.           To encourage parties:

(a)              To adopt the recommendations in report No. 53 of the World Meteorological Organization Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project;

(b)              To maintain research capabilities that enable measurements and scientific understanding of ozone depletion and evolution in a changing atmosphere including:

(i)              Improvement and validation of coupled chemistry-climate and earth system models to take better account of ozone parameters and other atmospheric processes; 

(ii)            Continued and increased exploitation of long-term measurements and data for scientific process studies;

(iii)           Support for fundamental laboratory studies to estimate photochemical reaction rates and to refine and update older measurements;

(c)              To maintain, expand and integrate systematic ozone-related observations that are critical to understanding and monitoring the long term changes in atmospheric composition and the associated response in ground level ultraviolet radiation;

(d)              To continue to implement the recommendations of the seventh meeting of the Ozone Research Managers in relation to data archiving and to encourage the reprocessing and salvage of archival data;

(e)              To accord priority to supporting and implementing the following capacity-building activities recommended by the Ozone Research Managers:

(i)              Development of a mechanism under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization Global Atmosphere Watch to enable countries to donate good‑quality, operational equipment through the World Meteorological Organization for deployment to developing countries as a means of enhancing the global operational network of ozone-observing and UV-observing stations, including tasking the scientific advisory committees for ozone and ultraviolet radiation of Global Atmosphere Watch with assessing the overall global needs for the distribution of the equipment, noting the need to ensure training of experts from developing countries in this technology;

(ii)            Provision of financial support from the Trust Fund to support the participation of professional and technical persons from developing countries in the following workshops:

a.                                  Second Dobson workshop planned for 2013 as a follow-up to the successful workshop held in the Czech Republic in 2011;

b.                                  Ozone-observing and UV-observing workshop organized in conjunction with the 2012 quadrennial ozone symposium in Toronto, Canada;

3.           To encourage the Ozone Research Managers to develop measures that would enable them to assess the effectiveness of capacity‑building activities in the future;

4.           In relation to the Trust Fund:

(a)                           To urge all parties and relevant international organizations to make voluntary financial and/or in kind contributions to the Trust Fund;

(b)                           To request the Secretariat to continue to invite parties and relevant international organizations annually to make voluntary contributions to the Fund and, with each such invitation to parties, to report on the prior years’ contributions, funded activities and planned future activities;

(c)                           To request the Secretariat and invite the World Meteorological Organization to continue their cooperation with regard to activities funded by the Trust Fund;

(d)                           Also to request the Secretariat and invite the World Meteorological Organization to strive for regional balance in the activities supported by the Trust Fund and to encourage complementary funding to maximize Trust Fund resources;

(e)                           To request the Secretariat to report to the Conference of the Parties at its tenth meeting on the operation of, contributions to and expenditures from the Trust Fund and on the activities funded by the Trust Fund since its inception;

5.        To encourage the national ozone focal points to distribute information on, and coordinate, monitoring and scientific activities in their countries where relevant;