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Decision VCIV/3: Recommendations of the third meeting of the Ozone Research Managers

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Numéro de référence
Nov 25, 1996
Air et atmosphère, Déchets et substances dangereuses
Convention pour la protection de la couche d'ozone (Mar 22, 1985)
Site web

The Conference of the Parties, in Decision VCIV/3 of its Fourth Meeting, decided:

  1. To take note of the report of the Third Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers (WMO Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project Report No. 41);
  2. To endorse the recommendations of the Third Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers, as contained in the report of that meeting, to the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention;
  3. To request all Parties:
    1. To maintain and further develop monitoring and archiving of measurements of stratospheric and tropospheric ozone, including vertical profiles and other trace species and aerosols, and to pursue the development and implementation of new observational capacities, such as aircraft and satellite-based measurements;
    2. To increase investigation and quantification of stratospheric and tropospheric processes through routine monitoring and experimental campaigns to understand current changes and to further develop predictions of stratospheric change both for the short and long term;
    3. To investigate the interactions between ozone and climate and the impact of aircraft emissions;
    4. To cooperate with the World Meteorological Organization in its continued work towards coordinated and compatible UV-B measurements and their archiving;
    5. To enhance research on the effects of UV-B through, inter alia, establishing baseline data on biological systems and establishing the interactions with other environmental factors such as climate change;
    6. To cooperate with the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme to enhance training and baseline monitoring of ozone, UV-B radiation and related research in developing countries;
    7. To make additional voluntary contributions to the World Meteorological Organization's Trust Fund for environmental monitoring for the Global Ozone Observing System.