The Conference of the Parties
1. Adopts the following amendment to the Carpathian Convention: After Article 12 Environmental assessment/information system, monitoring and early warning to introduce a new article reading:
Article 12bis Climate Change:
The Parties, taking into consideration the vulnerability of fragile mountain ecosystems and exposure of key economic sectors and mountain communities to climate change, and the key role mountains play for other geographical areas, shall:
a. pursue policies aiming at climate change mitigation in all sectors relevant to the Convention having in mind their interactions,
b. pursue policies aiming at climate change adaptation by promoting research and scientific cooperation, cross-sectoral integration, transnational cooperation, awareness raising, public participation and cooperation of all stakeholders, and foster local adaptation planning processes and the implementation of actions, especially in the most vulnerable areas and sectors, and
c. undertake integrated measures to reduce the risks and minimise the adverse effects of climate change, especially of extreme weather events;
2. Invites the Parties to ratify this amendment and whenever possible to begin the implementation of the new Article 12bis by further development of climate change related activities in the Carpathian region, and recommends the WG Climate Change to prepare and prioritize strategic actions in this respect;
3. Appreciates the work conducted so far by the WG Climate Change and relevant partners, and the generous support of Hungary to the WG Climate Change and its activities;
4. Welcomes the Outlook on Adaptation Responses to Climate Change for the Carpathians and appreciates the work conducted by the WG Climate Change and relevant partners;
5. Welcomes the inclusion of the Carpathian region into the European Climate Adaptation Platform (hereinafter Climate-ADAPT Platform).