× Information on this section of ECOLEX comes from the InforMEA Portal which compiled information from MEA Secretariats with the support of the European Union. The accuracy of the information displayed is the responsibility of the originating data source. In case of discrepancy the information as displayed on the respective MEA website prevails. Annex 2 (Decision COP5/15) Type du document Décision Numéro de référence - Date Oct 10, 2017 SourceUNEP, InforMEA Statut active Sujet Environnement gén. Traité Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians (Mai 22, 2003) Réunion Fifth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Carpathian Convention Site web www.carpathianconvention.org Résumé Budget and Counterpart Contribution to the Trust Fund (1), (2) 33 000 EUR201833 000 EUR201933 000 EUR2020 99 000 EUR2018-2020 PERSONNEL Staff 8 200 8 200 8 200 24 600 Expert 7 091 7 091 7 091 21 273 Team Assistant 550 550550 1 650 OFFICE COSTS Office costs 10 000 10 000 10 000 30 000 MISCELLANEOUS Co-financing 5 000 5 000 5 000 15 000 DIRECT COST TO TRUST FUND 30 841 30 841 30 841 92 523 Programme Support Cost (7%) 2 159 2 159 2 159 6 477 GRAND TOTAL 33 000 33 000 33 000 99 000 (1) Confirmed contribution of TRANSGREEN project. Further projects can be included once approved (e.g. ConnectGREEN)