Third ACP-CEE Convention Tipo de documento Multilateral Campo de aplicación Regional/restringido Fecha Dic 8, 1984 Fuente IUCN (ID: TRE-000826) Título (Francés) Troisième Convention ACP-CEE Título (Otro) Drittes AKP-EWG Abkommen Lugar de adopción Lome Depositario Unión Europea Idioma Danés, Inglés, Francés, Alemán, Griego, Italiano, Neerlandés Entrada en vigor May 1, 1986 Materia Tierra y suelos, Recursos minerales, Mar, Especies silvestres y ecosistemas, Pesca, Agua, Energía, Medio ambiente gen. Palabra clave Relaciones internacionales/cooperación Cría en ranchos/cría en cautividad Países en desarrollo Manejo y conservación pesquera Control de calidad de los alimentos/inocuidad de los alimentos Ordenación/conservación Conservación de energía/producción de energía Exploración Desarrollo sostenible Minería Agroforestal Organización internacional Desarrollo agrícola Comercio internacional Desertificación Uso sostenible Acuerdo internacional-texto Resumen Objectives: To promote and expedite the economic, cultural and social development of the ACP States and to consolidate and diversify the relations between them and the Members of the Community in a spirit of solidarity and mutual interest. Summary of provisions: Part I sets out the general provisions of ACP-EEC co-operation. With a view to attaining more balanced and more self-reliant economic development in the ACP States, Parties undertake to make special efforts under this Convention to promote rural development, food security for the people and the revival and strengthening of agricultural production potential in the ACP States (art. 5). Parties further undertake, inter alia, to accord special treatment to the least-developed ACP States and take account of the specific difficulties confronting the landlocked and island ACP States (art. 7). Co-operation is to contribute in particular towards the control of drought and desertification in the framework of efforts to protect the environment and restore natural balances (art. 11). The Community is to provide adequate financial resources and appropriate technical assistance to ACP States (art. 19). The main sectors of co-operation covered by the Convention are agricultural and rural development and conservation of natural resources of ACP States, development of their fisheries with a view to expanding production for domestic consumption and export (art. 15), industrial development, development of mining and energy potential with a view to, inter alia, developing new and renewable sources of energy (art. 13), transport and communications, development of trade and services, and regional co-operation. Finally, title III of Part III provides for financial and technical co-operation between Parties. Institutional mechanisms: The institutions of the Convention are the Council of Ministers, the Committee of Ambassadors, and the Joint Assembly (art. 4). This Convention allows international organizations to become Parties to this instrument. The following organizations have become Parties: EEC. This is not refelcted in the Parties' matrix attached. Texto completo Inglés Página web País/Territorio/Participante Vista ampliada Mostrar el mapa Países Entrada en vigor Ratification * Fecha de firma simple Alemania May 1, 1986 Ene 27, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Angola May 1, 1986 Nov 29, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Antigua y Barbuda May 1, 1986 Dic 23, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Bahamas Oct 1, 1986 Ago 27, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Barbados May 1, 1986 Nov 20, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Belice Ene 1, 1987 Nov 30, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Benin May 1, 1986 Apr 7, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Botswana May 1, 1986 Jul 18, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Burkina Faso May 1, 1986 Nov 5, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Burundi May 1, 1986 Dic 20, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Bélgica May 1, 1986 Mar 27, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Cabo Verde May 1, 1986 May 25, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Camerún May 1, 1986 Ene 13, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Chad May 1, 1986 Feb 18, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Comoras Jul 1, 1986 May 23, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Congo May 1, 1986 Feb 4, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Congo, Rep. Dem. del Oct 1, 1986 Ago 13, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Côte d'Ivoire May 1, 1986 Ene 10, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Dinamarca May 1, 1986 Jun 11, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Djibouti Mar 1, 1987 Ene 23, 1987 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Dominica May 1, 1986 Nov 27, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 ECE Comisión Económica de las NU para Europa Jul 1, 1986 May 2, 1986 [1] Apr 30, 1985 Eswatini, Reino de May 1, 1986 Mar 27, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Etiopía May 1, 1986 Jun 27, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Fiji May 1, 1986 Nov 26, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Francia May 1, 1986 Ene 7, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Gabón Jul 1, 1986 May 22, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Gambia May 1, 1986 Apr 29, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Ghana May 1, 1986 Oct 8, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Granada May 1, 1986 Ene 8, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Grecia May 1, 1986 Feb 28, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Guinea May 1, 1986 Jun 13, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Guinea Ecuatorial May 1, 1986 Ene 10, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Guinea-Bissau May 1, 1986 Sep 10, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Guyana May 1, 1986 Mar 5, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Irlanda May 1, 1986 May 3, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Islas Salomón Sep 1, 1986 Jul 3, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Italia May 1, 1986 Mar 27, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Jamaica May 1, 1986 Ago 23, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Kenya Jul 1, 1986 May 14, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Kiribati Apr 1, 1987 Feb 9, 1987 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Lesotho May 1, 1986 Feb 13, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Liberia May 1, 1986 Ene 24, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Luxemburgo May 1, 1986 Mar 3, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Madagascar May 1, 1986 Feb 20, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Malawi May 1, 1986 Nov 14, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Malí May 1, 1986 Dic 4, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Mauricio May 1, 1986 Oct 18, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Mauritania Ago 1, 1986 Jun 12, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Mozambique May 1, 1986 Apr 11, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Niger May 1, 1986 Oct 14, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Nigeria May 1, 1986 Jul 8, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Papua Nueva Guinea May 1, 1986 Oct 14, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Países Bajos May 1, 1986 Feb 27, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Reino Unido May 1, 1986 Jul 3, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 República Centroafricana May 1, 1986 Nov 14, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Rwanda May 1, 1986 Ene 24, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Samoa May 1, 1986 Jun 2, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 San Vicente y las Granadinas May 1, 1986 Apr 24, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Santa Kitts y Nevis Feb 1, 1987 Dic 11, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Santa Lucía May 1, 1986 Dic 13, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Santo Tomé y Príncipe Sep 1, 1986 Jul 3, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Senegal May 1, 1986 Ago 13, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Seychelles May 1, 1986 Ene 7, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Sierra Leona May 1, 1986 Dic 17, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Somalia May 1, 1986 Nov 19, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Sudán May 1, 1986 Apr 5, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Suriname May 1, 1986 Ago 28, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Tanzanía, Rep. Unida de May 1, 1986 Oct 11, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Togo May 1, 1986 Apr 15, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Tonga May 1, 1986 Feb 25, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Trinidad y Tabago May 1, 1986 Nov 6, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Tuvalu May 1, 1986 Dic 18, 1985 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Uganda Feb 1, 1987 Dic 16, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Vanuatu May 1, 1986 Feb 27, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Zambia May 1, 1987 Mar 11, 1987 [1] Dic 8, 1984 Zimbabwe May 1, 1986 Feb 18, 1986 [1] Dic 8, 1984 * [1] Fecha de ratificación [2] Fecha de ascención aprobación [3] Fecha de aceptación [4] Fecha de sucesión [5] Consentimiento en obligarse [6] Fecha de firma definitiva reset zoom out zoom in Otras referencias Doctrina 3 documentos relacionada con este tratado Ver la literatura