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The Treaty for the Establishment of the Eastern African Community

Tipo de documento
Campo de aplicación
Nov 30, 1999
IUCN (ID: TRE-001329)
Lugar de adopción
Eastern African Community
Entrada en vigor
Jul 7, 2000
Especies silvestres y ecosistemas, Medio ambiente gen.
Palabra clave
Sistema de alerta rápida/sistema de intervención de emergencia Corte/tribunal Sustancias peligrosas Uso sostenible Manejo y conservación pesquera Movimientos transfronterizos de desechos Zona protegida Normas sobre calidad ambiental Agroforestal Conservación del ecosistema Transporte/depósito Institución Plagas/enfermedades Educación Investigación Terrenos agrícolas Desarrollo sostenible Plaguicidas Minería Recopilación de datos/informes Monitoreo Producción animal Áreas marinas protegidas Residuos radiactivos Residuos peligrosos EIA Turismo Solución de controversias Seguridad alimentaria Escasez de agua/sequía Abastecimiento de agua ICP-procedimiento de información y consentimiento previos Desertificación

Objective: To develop policies and programmes aimed at widening and deepening cooperation among the Partner States in political, economic, social and cultural fields, research and technology, defence, security, legal and judicial affairs.

Summary of provisions: The East African Community is established (art.2.1). The Community is to ensure, inter alia, the attainment of sustainable growth and development of Partner States, the promotion of sustainable utilisation of resources and the taking of measures that would effectively protect the natural environment of the Partner States. Article 6 lists the fundamental principles of the Community while article 7 focuses on its operational principles. The latter include, inter alia, people-centred and market- driven cooperation, the principle of subsidiarity and the equitable sharing of benefits. The Partner States further undertake to abide by the principles of good governance (art.7.2).

Moreover, Partner States undertake to establish a Customs Union, a Common Market, a Monetary Union and ultimately a Political Federation (art.5.2, chapters eleven and fourteen). In the event of serious injury to the economy of a Partner State, the Partner State concerned is to take necessary safeguard measures (art. 78). Chapter 15 covers cooperation in infrastructure and services including e.g energy for which Partner States undertake to promote the utilisation of new and renewable energy sources as well as the construction of oil and gas pipelines to supply affordable energy to their people taking cognisance of the protection of the environment (art.101). Under Chapter 18 relating to agriculture and food security, Partner States agree to take joint actions in combating drought and desertification (art. 105) and to adopt and promote the use of environmentally safe methods of land use (art. 109.d).

Chapter 19 relates to cooperation in environment and natural resources management. Inter alia, Partner States undertake to foster cooperation in the joint management and sustainable utilisation of natural resources and to co-ordinate their policies and actions for the protection and conservation of these resources and the environment against degradation and pollution (art.111.1 and art. 114). Moreover, action by the Community relating to the environment is to follow several objectives listed in article 111.2 including preserving, protecting and enhancing the quality of the environment. Commitments of Partner States relating to management of the environment are listed in article 112 and include developing a common management policy that would sustain ecosystems, taking measures to control transboundary air, land and water pollution and integrating environmental management and conservation measures in all developmental activities such as trade. Further, Partner States undertake to cooperate in the prevention of illegal trade in, and movement of toxic chemicals, substances and hazardous wastes (art.113). Finally, regarding wildlife management, Partner States agree to develop a collective and co-ordinated policy for the conservation and sustainable utilisation of wildlife (art. 116)

Institutional mechanisms: Article 9 establishes the organs and institutions of the Community, including a Legislative Assembly, Court of Justice and a Secretariat. More specific details are provided for each of those in the subsequent chapters. The Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation is deemed to be an institution of the Community (art.9.3). (Source: IUCN ELC, 08.2005)

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Países Entrada en vigor Ratification * Fecha de firma simple
Burundi -
Kenya -
Rwanda -
Sudán del Sur -
Tanzanía, Rep. Unida de -
Uganda -

* [1] Fecha de ratificación [2] Fecha de ascención aprobación [3] Fecha de aceptación [4] Fecha de sucesión [5] Consentimiento en obligarse [6] Fecha de firma definitiva

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