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Protocol on Hazardous and Noxious Substances Pollution, Preparadness, Response and Cooperation in the Pacific Region

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Sep 10, 2006
IUCN (ID: TRE-160045)
Título (Francés)

Procotole sur la Preparation, la Lutte et la Cooperation en Matiere de Pollution par les Substances Nocives et Potentiellement Dangereuses dans la Région Pacifique

Lugar de adopción
SPEC Oficina de Cooperación Económica del Pacífico Sur
Inglés, Francés
Agua, Mar, Desechos y sustancias peligrosas
Palabra clave
Sustancias peligrosas Principio de cautela Salud pública Educación Principio contaminador-pagador Área marina Turismo Investigación Emisiones Relaciones internacionales/cooperación Contaminación marina (por buques) Contaminación marina Conservación del ecosistema
Área geográphica
Pacífico Sur

The 10th of November 2006 during the Conference of the Plenipotentiaries to the Noumea Convention the Parties have signed two new protocols, as new instruments to implement the provisions of the agreement. The two protocols, respectively the "Protocol on Oil Pollution preparadness, response and cooperation in the pacific region" and the "Protocol on hazardous and noxious substances polluttion, preparadness, response and cooperation in the pacific region", constitute a new committment of the Countries to take effective regional actions for the prevention of marine polluttion from two specific clusters of pollutants: oil, and hazardous and noxious substances. Considered their scope, and their allignment to new international requirements, these instruments are tought as a modern revision of the already in force protocols. Therefore, once these will enter into force they will have the effect to substitute the previous one. (Source:

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Australia - -
Estados Unidos de América - -
Fiji - -
Francia -
Islas Cook (Nueva Zelandia) -
Islas Marshall -
Islas Salomón - -
Kiribati - -
Micronesia, Estados Fed. -
Nauru - -
Niue (Nueva Zelandia) - -
Nueva Zelandia - -
Palau - -
Papua Nueva Guinea - -
Pitcairn (RU) - -
Samoa -
Tonga - -
Tuvalu - -
Vanuatu - -

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