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Protocol of 1996 to amend the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976

Tipo de documento
Campo de aplicación
May 2, 1996
IUCN (ID: TRE-001248)
Título abreviado


Título (Francés)

Protocole de 1996 modifiant la Convention de 1976 sur la limitation de la responsabilité en matière de créances maritimes

Lugar de adopción
OMI Organización Marítima Internacional
Inglés, Francés
Entrada en vigor
May 13, 2004
Palabra clave
Competencia jurisdiccional Responsabilidad/indemnización Transporte/depósito Zona marítima Navegación Procedimientos judiciales/procedimientos administrativos Reforma legal/armonización/desregulación Fondo especial

Objectives: To amend the 1976 Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims. Summary of provisions: The Protocol was adopted in the framework of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Parties agree on the need to provide for enhanced compensation and to establish a simplified procedure for updating the limitation amounts. To this end, articles 3 sub-paragraph (a), 6 paragraph 1, 7 paragraph 1, 8 paragraph 2 and 18 paragraph 1 of the Convention are replaced by new ones. A new paragraph 3bis is added in article 15 of the Convention providing an option for Parties to determine by specific measures of national legislation a system of liability to be applied to claims for loss of life or personal injury to passengers of a ship, provided that the limit of liability is not lower than that prescribed in the Convention.

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Alemania -
Antigua y Barbuda - -
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Bulgaria - -
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Chipre - -
Congo - -
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Islas Cook (Nueva Zelandia) - -
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Lituania - -
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Malta - -
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Niue (Nueva Zelandia) - -
Noruega -
Nueva Zelandia - -
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Rumania - -
Samoa - -
Santa Lucía - -
Serbia - -
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Turquía - -
Tuvalu - -

* [1] Fecha de ratificación [2] Fecha de ascención aprobación [3] Fecha de aceptación [4] Fecha de sucesión [5] Consentimiento en obligarse [6] Fecha de firma definitiva

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