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Protocolo relativo a la protección del mar Mediterráneo contra la contaminación resultante de la exploración y explotación de la plataforma continental, del fondo del mar y de su subsuelo

Tipo de documento
Campo de aplicación
Oct 14, 1994
IUCN (ID: TRE-001206)
Título abreviado

Offshore Protocol

Título (Inglés)

Protocol for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution resulting from exploration and exploitation of the continental shelf and the seabed and its subsoil

Título (Francés)

Protocole relatif à la protection de la mer Méditerranée contre la pollution résultant de l'exploration et de l'exploitation du plateau continental, du fond de la mer et de son sous-sol

Título (Otro)

Protokoll zum Schutz des Mittelmeeres vor Verschmutzung durch die Erforschung und Nutzung des Festlandsockels, des Meeresbodens und -untergrundes

Lugar de adopción
Árabe, Inglés, Francés, Español
Entrada en vigor
Mar 24, 2011
Especies silvestres y ecosistemas, Mar, Desechos y sustancias peligrosas, Recursos minerales
Palabra clave
Fondo marino profundo Alcantarillado Transporte/depósito Movimientos transfronterizos de desechos Área marina Exploración Contaminación oleosa Fortalecimiento de la capacidad EIA Residuos peligrosos Monitoreo Infracciones/sanciones Autorización/permiso Certificación Hidrocarburos Procedimientos judiciales/procedimientos administrativos Sustancias peligrosas Política/planificación Residuos sólidos Contaminación marina (vertimiento) Responsabilidad/indemnización Minerales Áreas marinas protegidas Efluente de aguas residuales/vertido Zona marítima Contaminación marina Recopilación de datos/informes

Objectives: To protect the Mediterranean Sea from pollution resulting from exploration and exploitation activities.

Summary of provisions: Parties agree to take all appropriate measures to prevent, abate, combat and control pollution in the Protocol Area resulting from activities concerning exploration and exploitation of the resources (activities) (art.3). All activities in the Protocol Area are to be subject to the prior written authorisation for exploration or exploitation from the competent authority (art.4.1). Each Party undertakes to prescribe sanctions to be imposed for breach of obligations arising out of the Protocol, for non-observance of the national laws and regulations implementing the Protocol, or for non-fulfilment of the specific conditions attached to the authorisation (art.7). Parties undertake to impose a general obligation upon operators to use the best available, environmentally effective and economically appropriate techniques and to observe internationally accepted standards regarding wastes, as well as the use, storage and discharge of harmful or noxious substances and materials (art.8). A Party may regulate, limit or prohibit the use of chemicals for the activities in accordance with guidelines to be adopted by the Parties (art.9.2). Parties further undertake to formulate and adopt common standards for the disposal of oil and oily mixtures from installations, and for the use and disposal of drilling fluids and drill cuttings, into the Protocol Area (art. 10, 1-2). They are to carry out strict control of discharge of sewage (arts.11, 12, 13).

The Protocol also contains provisions concerning inter alia safety measures to protect human life and the environment (art.15), monitoring of and reporting on the effects of the activities on the environment (art.19), protection of the areas defined in the Protocol concerning Mediterranean Specially Protected Areas (art.21) and measures concerning transboundary pollution (art.26).

Finally, Parties undertake to cooperate inter alia in developing international rules, standards and recommended practices and procedures (art.23.1) in providing scientific and technical assistance to developing countries (art.24) and in formulating and adopting appropriate rules and procedures for the determination of liability and compensation from damage resulting from the activities dealt with in the Protocol (art.27).

(Source: IUCN ELC, 08.2005, based on UNEP Register of International Treaties and Other Agreements in the Field of the Environment, 1996)

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