Protocol concerning Protected Areas and Wild Fauna and Flora in the Eastern African Region Tipo de documento Multilateral Campo de aplicación Regional/restringido Fecha Jun 21, 1985 Fuente IUCN (ID: TRE-000821) Título (Francés) Protocole relatif aux zones protégées ainsi qu' à la faune et la flore sauvages dans la région de l' Afrique orientale Título (Otro) Protokoll über geschützte Gebiete und über wildlebende Fauna und Flora in der ostafrikanischen Region Lugar de adopción Nairobi Depositario Kenya Idioma Inglés, Francés Entrada en vigor May 30, 1996 Materia Especies silvestres y ecosistemas, Medio ambiente gen. Palabra clave Especies exóticas Protecíon de las especies Caza/captura Especies migratorias Fauna silvestre Recopilación de datos/informes Acuerdo internacional-texto Educación Zona protegida Ordenación/conservación Armas de caza/métodos de caza Investigación Derechos tradicionales/derechos consuetudinarios Biodiversidad Especies en peligro Flora silvestre Manejo y conservación pesquera Protección del hábitat Conservación del ecosistema Área geográphica Africa Resumen Objectives: To provide for the protection of threatened and endangered species of flora and fauna, and important natural habitats, in the Eastern African region. Summary of provisions: The Parties agree to take all appropriate measures to protect the endangered species of flora and fauna listed in annexes land II to the Protocol against capture, killing, destruction of habitat, possession, and sale (arts. 3 and 4). They undertake to regulate the harvest and sale of threatened or depleted fauna species, listed in annex III, and protect critical habitats of breeding stocks of such species (art. 5). They are to co-ordinate efforts to protect migratory species, listed in annex IV (art. 6) and take measures to prevent the introduction of potentially harmful alien species (art. 7). As necessary, Parties are to establish protected areas to safeguard important ecosystems, including particularly those ecosystems that provide habitat for species of fauna and flora that are endangered, endemic, migratory, or economically important (art. 8), taking into account traditional activities of total populations (art. 11). Parties are to cooperate in developing guidelines for selection and management of such areas (arts. 9 and 10), and co-ordinating the establishment of protected areas to ensure adequate protection for frontier areas and creation of a representative network of protected areas in the region (arts. 13 and 16). Parties are also to take measures to ensure that the public is informed about protected areas, and has the opportunity to participate in protection efforts (arts. 14 and 15), and to encourage scientific research (art. 17). Finally, Parties are to provide the Convention secretariat with information about their activities under this Protocol and relevant scientific research, and cooperate in providing technical and management assistance to each other (arts. 18 and 19). (Source: IUCN ELC, 08.2005, based on UNEP Register of International Treaties and Other Agreements in the Field of the Environment, 1996) Comentario Applies to the waters of the East African Region including coastal areas and internal waters related to the marine and coastal environment; provides that contracting parties shall endeavour to protect rare or fragile ecosystems as well as rare, depleted, threatened or endangered species of wild fauna and flora and their habitats in the region as defined; lists endangered plant species; provides for the prohibition of activities having adverse effects on the habitats of such species as well as the uncontrolled picking, collecting, cutting or uprooting of these species, the possession or sale of such species; lists endangered animal species; provides that each Party shall strictly regulate and, where required, prohibit activities having adverse effects on the habitats of such species and in particular all forms of capture, keeping or killing, damage to, or destruction of critical habitats, disturbance of wild fauna, destruction or taking of eggs and possession of and internal trade in these animals and any readily recognizable part or derivative thereof; also lists harvestable depleted or threatened species; provides that any exploitation of such species shall be regulated in order to restore and maintain their population at optimum levels; also provides for the development and implementation of management plans; such management plans may include the prohibition of the use of indiscriminate means of capture and killing, closed seasons, temporary or local prohibitions of exploitation, regulation of domestic trade, safeguarding of breeding stocks, and exploitation in captivity; refers to migratory species; provides that parties shall co- ordinate their efforts for the protection of migratory species listed as endangered or threatened; requires parties to take all appropriate measures to prohibit the intentional or accidental introduction of alien or new species which may cause significant or harmful changes to the East African region as defined; provides for the establishment of protected areas; provides for the regulation of trade in and import and export of animals, plants or parts thereof which originate in protected areas; also provides for public information and education measures, scientific and technical research, regional co-operation, technical co-operation and exchange of information; meetings of the parties are to take place regularly to keep under review the implementation of the Protocol, adopt, review or amend annexes, and monitor the establishment and development of the network of protected areas. Texto completo Inglés Página web País/Territorio/Participante Vista ampliada Mostrar el mapa Países Entrada en vigor Fecha de firma simple Francia - Jun 22, 1985 Madagascar - Jun 22, 1985 Seychelles - Jun 22, 1985 Somalia - Jun 22, 1985 reset zoom out zoom in Referencias - Tratados Habilitado por Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region Tratado | Multilateral | Nairobi | Jun 21, 1985 Palabra clave: Acuerdo internacional-texto, Calidad del aire/contaminación del aire, Zonificación, Ordenación/conservación, Área marina, Zona marítima, Responsabilidad/indemnización, Manejo de recursos marinos, Investigación, Ordenación de áreas costeras, Biodiversidad, Exploración, EIA, Conservación del ecosistema Fuente: IUCN (ID: TRE-000823) Otras referencias Doctrina 5 documentos relacionada con este tratado Ver la literatura