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Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the People's Republic of Bangladesh on partnership and development

Tipo de documento
Campo de aplicación
May 22, 2000
Agricultura y desarrollo rural, Tierra y suelos, Medio ambiente gen., Ganado
Palabra clave
Control de la contaminación Acuerdo internacional-texto Desarrollo agrícola Conservación de suelos/mejoramiento de suelos Institución EIA Fortalecimiento de la capacidad Sanidad animal
Área geográphica
Europa, Atlántico Norte, Europa Septentrional, Mares del Asia Sudoriental, Atlántico Nordeste, Océano Índico, Países de la Unión Europea, Asia, Europa Oriental, Mediterráneo, Asia Meridional

The objectives pursued by this Agreement are to enhance and develop the various aspects of cooperation between the Contracting Parties in several areas, including among others environmental protection, trade and commercial cooperation, human and animal health. The following aims are particularly taken into account: a) to support the sustainable economic and social development of Bangladesh and specially the poorest sections of its population, with special emphasis on women; b) to assist Bangladesh in diversifying its productive potential; c) to promote investment and economic, technical and cultural links in their mutual interest; d) to pursue equilibrium between policies for sustainable economic growth, social development and protection and conservation of the natural environment. Article 5 is entirely devoted to environmental protection. Particular attention shall be paid to: a) reducing risks from the environment in disaster prone areas and to offer better protection against such risks and fighting against soil degradation; b) developing an effective environment policy which shall encompass training, capacity building as well as the transfer of appropriate environmental technology; c) environmental impact assessment, as an essential part of reconstruction and development projects in all fields. Regional cooperation shall comprise support for studies on regional and sub-regional issues relating to, inter alia, environmental matters and animal health. Article 12 sets up a Joint Commission and specifies its tasks.

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Países Entrada en vigor
Bangladesh -
Unión Europea -