Convention on Conservation of Nature in the South Pacific Tipo de documento Multilateral Campo de aplicación Regional/restringido Fecha Jun 12, 1976 Fuente IUCN (ID: TRE-000540) Título (Francés) Convention sur la protection de la nature dans le Pacifique Sud Título (Otro) Übereinkommen betreffend den Naturschutz im Südpazifik Lugar de adopción Apia Depositario Samoa Idioma Inglés, Francés Entrada en vigor Jun 26, 1990 Materia Especies silvestres y ecosistemas Palabra clave Inventarios Especies exóticas Especies en peligro Conservación del ecosistema Educación Zona protegida Fauna silvestre Ordenación/conservación Caza/captura Protecíon de las especies Flora silvestre Biodiversidad Institución Protección del hábitat Parques nacionales Acuerdo internacional-texto Cuenca South Pacific Resumen Objectives: To take action for the conservation, utilisation and development of the natural resources of the South Pacific region through careful planning and management for the benefit of present and future generations. Summary of provisions: Parties undertake to create protected areas to safeguard representative samples of natural ecosystems, superlative scenery, striking geological formations and regions and objects of aesthetic, historic, cultural or scientific value (art.2). National parks are not to be altered so as to reduce their area except after the fullest investigation, their resources are not to be subject to commercial exploitation, hunting and collection of species are to be prohibited and provision is to be made for visitors (art. 3). Parties agree to maintain lists of indigenous fauna and flora in danger of extinction and to give such species as complete protection as possible (art. 5). Provision may be made as appropriate for customary use of areas and species in accordance with traditional cultural practices (art. 6). (Source: IUCN ELC, 08.2005, based on UNEP Register of International Treaties and Other Agreements in the Field of the Environment, 1996) Comentario This regional Convention contains no specific reference to migratory species. It obliges States Parties in general terms to create protected areas to safeguard representative samples of ecosystems, and places of scenic, geological, aesthetic, historical, cultural or scientific importance. The Convention also prohibits the taking or killing of fauna (including eggs and shells) unless the taking is controlled by the competent authorities of the State concerned or unless in pursuance of 'duly authorised' scientific investigations. There is a further obligation on States to use their best endeavours to protect indigenous species from unwise exploitation and other threats that may lead to their extinction. States are required to prepare a list of their indigenous endangered species. Such species may be taken only in pursuance of special permission for scientific purposes, to maintain the ecological equilibrium or to further the administration of the area in which the species in question is to be found. States Parties are also required to 'consider carefully' the consequence of the introduction of exotic species. Where practicable, the States Parties are to engage in research relating to nature conservation in coordination with other States Parties and to exchange the resulting information. Comes into force 90 days after the deposit of the fourth instrument of ratification etc. Texto completo Inglés Francés Español Página web País/Territorio/Participante Vista ampliada Mostrar el mapa Países Entrada en vigor Ratification * Fecha de firma simple Australia Jun 26, 1990 Mar 28, 1990 [2] - Fiji Jun 26, 1990 Sep 8, 1989 [2] - Francia Jun 26, 1990 Ene 20, 1989 [1] Jun 12, 1976 Islas Cook (Nueva Zelandia) Jun 26, 1990 Jun 24, 1987 [2] - Papua Nueva Guinea - - Jun 12, 1976 Samoa Jul 20, 1990 Jul 20, 1990 [1] Jun 12, 1976 * [1] Fecha de ratificación [2] Fecha de ascención aprobación [3] Fecha de aceptación [4] Fecha de sucesión [5] Consentimiento en obligarse [6] Fecha de firma definitiva reset zoom out zoom in Otras referencias Doctrina 6 documentos relacionada con este tratado Ver la literatura