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Convenio para la Conservación y Manejo de la Vicuña

Tipo de documento
Campo de aplicación
Dic 20, 1979
IUCN (ID: TRE-000102)
Título (Inglés)

Convention for the Conservation and Management of the Vicuna

Título (Francés)

Convention pour la conservation et la gestion de la vigogne

Título (Otro)

Übereinkommen über die Erhaltung und Pflege der Vikunja

Lugar de adopción
Entrada en vigor
Mar 19, 1982
Especies silvestres y ecosistemas
Palabra clave
Zona protegida Comercio de especies Biodiversidad Ordenación/conservación Especies animales protegidas Mamíferos Producción animal Acuerdo internacional-texto Incremento del stock/repoblación Camélidos Productos no comestibles
Área geográphica
América del Sur, Amazona, Pacífico Oriental, Pacífico Sudeste, América Central, América Latina y el Caribe, Atlántico Sur

Objectives: To continue to promote the conservation and management of the vicuna. Summary of provisions: (a) The signatory Governments to place the vicuna under strict State control, applying such technical methods of wildlife management as the competent official authorities may determine (art. 1); (b) The hunting of and illegal trade in the vicuna, its products and derivates to be prohibited within the territory of the signatory Governments (art. 2); (c) The export of fertile vicuna semen or other reproductive material to be prohibited, except to member countries for research and/or repopulation (art. 4); (d) National parks, reserves and other protected areas to be maintained and areas of repopulation managed as wildland areas, and be extended as a matter of priority under State control (art. 5); (e) Continued comprehensive research on the vicuna agreed upon, as well as an active interchange of information through a Multinational Documentation Centre (art. 6); (f) Technical assistance for management and repopulation, including training of personnel, dissemination and extension of activities aimed at the conservation and management of the vicuna is agreed to (art. 7); (g) A Technical Administrative Commission created (art. 8). (Source: UNEP Register of International Treaties and Other Agreements in the Field of the Environment, 2005)


This Convention replaces the Convention for the conservation of the Vicuna signed at La Paz on 16 August 1969; it has been signed by Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru; it remains open for signature by Argentina; signatory states have agreed that the convention will enter into force provisionally on the date of its signature pending ratification by signatory states. This Convention prohibits hunting of vicuna and illegal trade in the animals or their products and derivatives. Once national populations have recovered enough to permit managed utilisation, the Convention envisages such utilisation taking place but only under strict state control. The Convention requires any skins arising from such taking to be marked. The Convention prohibits the export of live vicuna or reproductive material, except for scientific purposes or for the purpose of repopulation in a Member State. The Convention requires the States Parties to maintain and develop protected areas for vicuna populations and to take steps to extend the areas in which repopulation might take place. The States Parties are required to undertake research on all aspects of the vicuna, including its bio-ecology and the socio-economic impacts. Information arising therefrom is to be exchanged between Member States. The Convention also provides for technical assistance and training.

Texto completo
Inglés   Francés   Español  


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Países Entrada en vigor Ratification * Fecha de firma simple
Argentina -
Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de)

* [1] Fecha de ratificación [2] Fecha de ascención aprobación [3] Fecha de aceptación [4] Fecha de sucesión [5] Consentimiento en obligarse [6] Fecha de firma definitiva

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