ASEAN Agreement on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Tipo de documento Multilateral Campo de aplicación Regional/restringido Fecha Jul 9, 1985 Fuente IUCN (ID: TRE-000820) Título (Francés) Accord de l'ASEAN sur la conservation de la nature et des ressources naturelles Título (Otro) ASEAN Vereinbarung über die Erhaltung der Natur und der natürlichen Hilfsquellen Lugar de adopción Kuala Lumpur Depositario ASEAN Asociación de Naciones del Sureste Asiático Idioma Inglés Materia Aire y atmósfera, Tierra y suelos, Mar, Agua, Bosques, Especies silvestres y ecosistemas Palabra clave Investigación Conservación de suelos/mejoramiento de suelos Forestación/reforestación Acuerdo internacional-texto Conservación del ecosistema Acceso a la biodiversidad y distribución de beneficios Biodiversidad Calidad del aire/contaminación del aire Exploración Zona protegida EIA Fauna silvestre Protección del hábitat Protecíon de las especies Especies en peligro Comercio de especies Manejo de tierras Calidad de las aguas dulces/contaminación de las aguas dulces Acceso-a-la-información Recursos genéticos Organización internacional Efectos transfronterizos Uso sostenible Medidas de protección forestal Incremento del stock/repoblación Flora silvestre Ordenación/conservación Participación pública Área geográphica Asia Resumen Objectives: To maintain essential ecological processes and life-support systems, to preserve genetic diversity, and to ensure the sustainable utilisation of living resources. Summary of provisions: Chapter II of the Agreement provides for the conservation of species and ecosystems through extensive management measures. Chapter II deals with species genetic diversity (art. 3), sustainable use of species (art. 4), endangered and endemic species (art. 5), vegetation cover and forest and endemic species (art. 5), vegetation cover and forest (art. 9). Chapter III of the Agreement relates to the conservation of ecological processes with a view to maintaining their proper functioning. Articles 10 and 11 concern the reduction, prevention and control of environmental degradation and pollution. Chapter IV provides for environmental planning measures with a view to integrating natural resources conservation into the land use process. Articles of chapter IV deal with land use planning (art. 12), establishment of protected areas (art. 13), and impact assessments (art. 14). Chapter V concerns national supporting measures which consist in, inter alia, promoting education, information and participation of the public in the planning and implementation of conservation measures, and in training scientific and technical personnel (art. 16). Chapter VI provides for international co-operation between the Parties through, inter alia, the co-ordination of their activities in the field of conservation of nature and management of natural resources, especially when these are shared (art. 18 and 19). Parties recognise their international responsibility in regards of transfrontier environmental effects and undertake to avoid and reduce adverse environmental effects of activities under their jurisdiction (art. 20). Institutional mechanisms: Meetings of the Contracting Parties, provided in article 21, are to be held in as far as possible in conjunction with appropriate meetings of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). A Secretariat is to be designated by the Contracting Parties on the coming into force of the Agreement (art. 22). Texto completo Inglés Página web País/Territorio/Participante Vista ampliada Mostrar el mapa Países Entrada en vigor Ratification * Fecha de firma simple Brunei Darussalam - - Jul 9, 1985 Camboya - Apr 30, 1999 [2] - Filipinas - Sep 4, 1986 [1] Jul 9, 1985 Indonesia - Jul 10, 1986 [1] Jul 9, 1985 Malasia - - Jul 9, 1985 Myanmar - Oct 16, 1997 [2] - Singapur - - Jul 9, 1985 Tailandia - May 19, 1986 [1] Jul 9, 1985 Viet Nam - Jul 3, 1997 [2] - * [1] Fecha de ratificación [2] Fecha de ascención aprobación [3] Fecha de aceptación [4] Fecha de sucesión [5] Consentimiento en obligarse [6] Fecha de firma definitiva reset zoom out zoom in Otras referencias Doctrina 13 documentos relacionada con este tratado Ver la literatura