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Amendment to Annex I and II to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972

Tipo de documento
Campo de aplicación
Nov 12, 1993
IUCN (ID: TRE-001297)
Lugar de adopción
OMI Organización Marítima Internacional
Inglés, Francés
Entrada en vigor
Feb 20, 1994
Desechos y sustancias peligrosas, Mar

Radioactive wastes and other radioactive matter are added to Annex I listing matter for which dumping is prohibited. It adds that incineration at sea of industrial waste and sewage sludge is prohibited while the incineration at sea of any other wastes or other matter requires the issue of a special permit (art. 10). Article 10d defines Marine incineration facility and Incineration at sea while article 11 specifies what is to be considered as industrial waste for the purposes of this Annex. Parties undertake to complete a scientific study relating to certain radioactive wastes and other radioactive matter within 25 years from the date of entry into force of this amendment and every 25 years thereafter and review the position of such substances on Annex I. (art. 12). Regarding Annex II, Beryllium, chromium and nickel were added to the list of content of wastes for which special care is required (A).

(Source: IUCN ELC, 08.2005)

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* [1] Fecha de ratificación [2] Fecha de ascención aprobación [3] Fecha de aceptación [4] Fecha de sucesión [5] Consentimiento en obligarse [6] Fecha de firma definitiva

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