Water Regulation 2016. País/Territorio Australia Subdivisión territorial Queensland Tipo de documento Reglamento Fecha 2016 (2022) Fuente FAO, FAOLEX Materia Agua Palabra clave Asignación/cuota Cánon de aguas Aguas subterráneas Derechos de agua Derechos/cánones Perforación de pozos/pozos Entidad no gubernamental Infracciones/sanciones Manejo de recursos hídricos Procedimientos judiciales/procedimientos administrativos Desarrollo sostenible Área geográphica Asia y Pacifico, Australia y Nueva Zelandia, Océano Índico, Oceania, Pacífico Sur Resumen This Regulation, consisting of 145 Sections divided into 15 Parts and 19 Schedules, has the objective of replacing the Water Regulation 2002 and prescribing administrative and operational matters for the Water Act 2000. It aims to: support provisions for watercourse identification; provide a process for releasing unallocated water; provide matters for the Minister’s report on water plans; prescribe activities for which the taking of water is authorised without an entitlement; provide for matters relating to water licences; allow for seasonal water assignments; provide criteria for establishing water allocations; provide information about the water allocations register; provide matters for water supply and demand management; prescribe the annual levy for underground water management; provide for water authorities, interstate water trades; prescribe exemptions for riverine protection permits; provide water bore drillers licencing requirements; set fees and charges payable under the Water Act 2000 and royalties for riverine quarry material; provide rules for managing underground water that isn’t managed through a water plan; provide for the continuation of former water areas, etc. Texto completo Inglés Página web www.legislation.qld.gov.au Referencias - Legislación Implementa Water Act 2000. Legislación | Australia | 2000 (2023) Palabra clave: Ley marco, Manejo de recursos hídricos, Institución, Derechos de agua, Cánon de aguas, Perforación de pozos/pozos, Irrigación, Drenaje/bonificación, Aguas subterráneas, Derecho al agua, Desarrollo sostenible, Pueblos indígenas, Derechos humanos Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX Revoca Water Regulation 2002. Legislación | Australia | 2002 (2016) Palabra clave: Asignación/cuota, Cánon de aguas, Derechos de agua, Derechos/cánones, Perforación de pozos/pozos, Entidad no gubernamental, Infracciones/sanciones, Manejo de recursos hídricos Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX