Water Plan (Cape York) 2019. País/Territorio Australia Subdivisión territorial Queensland Tipo de documento Miscelanea Fecha 2019 Fuente FAO, FAOLEX Materia Agua Palabra clave Manejo de recursos hídricos Política/planificación Asignación/cuota Monitoreo Instalaciones Cuenca/área de captación/cuenca colectora Autorización/permiso Derechos tradicionales/derechos consuetudinarios Uso sostenible Aguas continentales Área geográphica Asia y Pacifico, Australia y Nueva Zelandia, Océano Índico, Oceania, Pacífico Sur Entry into force notes This Plan enters into force on 1 September 2019. Resumen The purposes of this Plan, consisting of 67 sections divided into 11 Parts and completed by 9 Schedules, are to perform the following activities: (a) to define the availability of water to which this plan applies; (b) to provide a framework for sustainably managing water to which this plan applies; (c) to identify priorities and mechanisms for dealing with future water requirements in the plan area; (d) to regulate the taking of and interference with surface water, and the taking of underground water, to which this plan applies; (e) to provide a framework for establishing and managing water allocations; (f) to provide access to water resources to help Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders achieve their economic, social and cultural aspirations; and (g) to provide a framework for preventing or, if practicable, reversing the degradation of natural ecosystems caused by the taking of and interference with water to which this plan applies. The Plan is divided as follows: Plan area, water to which plan applies and other matters (Part 2); Water plan outcomes (Part 3); Measures for achieving water plan outcomes (Part 4); Objectives and performance indicators (Part 5); Strategies for achieving water plan outcomes (Part 6); Limitations on taking or interfering with water (Part 7); Unallocated water (Part 8); Converting water licences to water allocations to take unsupplemented water (Part 9); Water licences (Part 10); Implementing and amending this plan (Part 11). Texto completo Inglés Página web www.legislation.qld.gov.au Referencias - Legislación Implementa Water Act 2000. Legislación | Australia | 2000 (2023) Palabra clave: Ley marco, Manejo de recursos hídricos, Institución, Derechos de agua, Cánon de aguas, Perforación de pozos/pozos, Irrigación, Drenaje/bonificación, Aguas subterráneas, Derecho al agua, Desarrollo sostenible, Pueblos indígenas, Derechos humanos Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX