Veterinary Domestic Market Ordinance 2022. País/Territorio Austria Tipo de documento Reglamento Fecha 2022 Fuente FAO, FAOLEX Título completoOrdinance of the Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection on the shipment of live animals, hatching eggs, semen, egg cells, embryos and gametes to or from other EU member states, as well as veterinary regulations on the shipment of products and objects to or from other countries other member states of the EU. Materia Ganado Palabra clave Higiene/procedimientos sanitarios Plagas/enfermedades Comercio interior Comercio internacional Infracciones/sanciones Sanidad animal Procedimientos judiciales/procedimientos administrativos Protección de los animales Bovinos Certificación Desinfección/desinfestación Ovinos/caprinos Inspección Monitoreo Autorización/permiso Registro Área geográphica Alpes, Europa, Europa y Central Asia, Países de la Unión Europea, Europa Occidental Resumen This Ordinance implements Regulation (EU) 2016/429 on animal diseases insofar as shipments to or from other EU Member States are concerned. The provision of this Ordinance applies to the movement of live animals, products and objects for export to third countries in case of existence of agreement on veterinary hygiene measures in trade of the live animals, products and relevant objects. The Ordinance provides for required certificates, conditions for shipments and movements, cleaning and disinfection measures, authorisation, approval and registration procedure. The Ordinance lays out for inspection procedures, and movement restrictions based on animal health reasons. The Ordinance describes the rules for domestic shipment of certain species such as dogs, cats, ferrets, and alpine cattle entered from third countries. Final provision refers to regulatory authorities and control power. The text contains 23 Articles and has 2 Appendixes. Texto completo Alemán Página web Referencias - Legislación Implementa Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health ("Animal Health Law"). Legislación | Unión Europea | 2016 (2018) Palabra clave: Acuicultura, Comercio interior, Comercio internacional, Productos pesqueros, Negocios/industria/corporaciones, Enfermedades de los peces, Rastreabilidad/rastreo de productos, Cuarentena, Sanidad animal, Control de calidad de los alimentos/inocuidad de los alimentos, Legislación básica, Plagas/enfermedades, Sistema de alerta temprana, Uso de agua para ganado, Recopilación de datos/informes, Certificación, Protección de los animales, Medicamentos Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX Revoca Veterinary Domestic Market Ordinance 2008. Legislación | Austria | 2008 Palabra clave: Bovinos, Porcinos, Higiene/procedimientos sanitarios, Plagas/enfermedades, Comercio interior, Comercio internacional, Reproducción animal, Inspección, Infracciones/sanciones, Sanidad animal Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX