Regulation on identification of apiaries. País/Territorio Eslovenia Tipo de documento Reglamento Fecha 2008 Fuente FAO, FAOLEX Fuente original Official Gazette No. 117/2008 Materia Ganado Palabra clave Producción animal Apicultura/sericultura Registro Marcado/identificación Área geográphica Alpes, Europa, Europa y Central Asia, Países de la Unión Europea, Mediterráneo, Europa Meridional Entry into force notes This Regulation entered into force on 27 December 2008. Resumen This Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, which is composed of 16 articles, lays down provisions concerning identification of apiaries and the central register of apiaries. These provisions include the content of application for registration of apiaries, scope of information in the register of apiaries, and details on reporting on the number of bee colonies and on movements of bees. The objectives of these provisions are: (1) protection of indigenous breeds of bees; (2) protection of the health of bees; (3) provision of safe food; (4) to ensure the origin of Slovenian honey and other bee products; (5) monitoring the numbers of bee colonies and financial measures; (6) management of herd books and production control. Texto completo Esloveno Página web Referencias - Legislación Implementa Act on livestock. Legislación | Eslovenia | 2002 (2015) Palabra clave: Legislación básica, Producción animal, Protección de los animales, Bovinos, Equino, Aves de corral, Ovinos/caprinos, Porcinos, Apicultura/sericultura, Biodiversidad, Infracciones/sanciones Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX Enmendado porr Regulation amending the Regulation on identification of apiaries. Legislación | Eslovenia | 2013 Palabra clave: Producción animal, Apicultura/sericultura, Registro, Marcado/identificación Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX