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National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.

Subdivisión territorial
New South Wales
Tipo de documento
1974 (2018)
Título completo
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the establishment, preservation and management of national parks, historic sites and certain other areas and the protection of certain fauna, native plants and Aboriginal relics; to repeal the Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection Act 1967 and certain other enactments; to amend the Local Government Act 1919 and certain other Acts in certain respects; and for purposes connected therewith.
Especies silvestres y ecosistemas
Palabra clave
Zona protegida Pájaros Especies en peligro Flora silvestre Institución Mamíferos marinos Armas de caza/métodos de caza Productos silvestres Biodiversidad Contrato/acuerdo Procedimientos judiciales/procedimientos administrativos Corte/tribunal Animal dañino/animal peligroso Autorización/permiso de caza Reptiles Infracciones/sanciones Patrimonio cultural Protecíon de las especies Pueblos indígenas
Área geográphica
Asia y Pacifico, Australia y Nueva Zelandia, Océano Índico, Oceania, Pacífico Sur
Entry into force notes
Date of entry into force: secs 1 and 2 excepted, 1.1.1975, sec 2 and GG No 159 of 27.12.1974, p 5095.

The general administration of national parks and wildlife reserves is entrusted to the National Parks and Wildlife Reserves Service, which shall: (a) consider and investigate proposals in relation to conservation areas; (b) enter into negotiations on behalf of the Minister; (c) promote any activity relevant to the conservation and management of protected areas, e.g., educational activities, construction and maintenance of works, research (Part 2). There shall be a National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council, to advise the Minister on matters relating to the care, control and management of national parks, etc. The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (Interim) Advisory Committee shall advise the Minister on any matter relating to the preservation, control of excavation, removal and custody of relics or Aboriginal places (Part 3). Part 4 gives the definition and establishes the legal regime and management of the following reserved, dedicated and declared lands: (a) national parks and declared lands; (b) State recreation areas; (c) regional parks; (d) nature reserves; (e) State game reserves; (f) karst conservation reserves; (g) wilderness areas and wild and scenic rivers; (h) aboriginal areas; (i) protected archeological areas; (l) wildlife districts, wildlife refuges and wildlife management areas. According to the provisions of Division 7 the Minister may enter into a conservation agreement relating to land with the owner of the land. The agreement may provide for any of the following: (a) restriction on the use of the area; (b) prohibition of specified activities; (c) contribution by the owner towards costs incurred which relate to the area or the agreement; (d) financial assistance or technical advice by the Minister. Proceedings relating to the enforcement of conservation agreements shall be taken in the Land and Environment Court. Part 4A makes provision as to the lease to the Minister, and the reservation and dedication of aboriginal land. Part 5 regulates the preparation of plans of management for each national park and historic site. The plan for lands reserved or dedicated under Part 4A of the Act shall be prepared by the board of management for the lands concerned in consultation with the Director-General. The Plan shall aim at the following objectives: (a) conservation of wildlife; (b) preservation of protected areas; (c) appropriate use of national park, historic site, State recreation area, regional park, etc. by the public, as well as by the lessee, licensee or occupant of land therein; (d) setting of the whole or part of a national park or nature reserve as a wilderness area; (e) maintenance of the national or international significance of aboriginal lands. Further provisions are made as to the protection of species of wild flora and fauna, with specific regard to hunting methods, to the sale, possession, importation or exportation of protected fauna as well as harming fauna. Part 6A makes provision for stop work orders and interim protection orders. Part 7 concerns fauna. Parts 7A and 8 contain special provisions regarding marine mammals and native plants, respectively. Threatened species, populations and ecological communities, and their habitats, and critical habitat are provided for in Part 8A.Part 9 regulates the issue and cancellation of licences in respect of fauna and native plants (inter alia, general licences, game licences, trapperos licences, fauna dealers licences, skin dealers licences, import and export licences, licences to liberate animals, aviary registration certificates, hunting licences, licences authorizing possession, licences to pick native plants, licences to grow native plants for sale). Parts 10-14 concern: Finance (10); Acquisition and disposal of property (11); Leases, licences, easements, etc. (12); Regulations (13); Miscellaneous (14). Completed by 18 Schedules)

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Referencias - Legislación

Implementado por

National Parks and Wildlife (Land Management) Regulation 1995.

Legislación | Australia | 1995 (1997)

Palabra clave: Zona protegida, Ordenación/conservación, Infracciones/sanciones, Patrimonio cultural, Pueblos indígenas, Conservación del ecosistema, Salud pública


National Parks and Wildlife (Fauna Protection) Regulation 1994.

Legislación | Australia | 1994 (1997)

Palabra clave: Autorización/permiso de caza, Certificación, Comercio interior, Comercio internacional, Mamíferos marinos, Protecíon de las especies


National Parks and Wildlife (Fauna Protection) Regulation 2001.

Legislación | Australia | 2001

Palabra clave: Autorización/permiso de caza, Autorización/permiso, Derechos/cánones, Infracciones/sanciones, Protecíon de las especies


National Parks and Wildlife Regulation 2002.

Legislación | Australia | 2002 (2007)

Palabra clave: Conservación del ecosistema, Parques nacionales, Zona protegida, Patrimonio cultural, Autorización/permiso, Restricciones para el uso, Ordenación/conservación, Derechos tradicionales/derechos consuetudinarios, Fauna silvestre, Institución, Pueblos indígenas, Salud pública, Protecíon de las especies


National Parks and Wildlife (Savings and Transitional) Regulation 1997.

Legislación | Australia | 1997 (1997)

Palabra clave: Manejo de tierras, Zona protegida, Tenencia de tierras


National Parks and Wildlife Regulation 2009.

Legislación | Australia | 2009 (2016)

Palabra clave: Parques nacionales, Conservación del ecosistema, Zona protegida, Patrimonio cultural, Autorización/permiso, Restricciones para el uso, Ordenación/conservación, Derechos tradicionales/derechos consuetudinarios, Fauna silvestre, Institución, Pueblos indígenas, Salud pública, Protecíon de las especies, Comercio internacional


Enmendado porr

National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2010.

Legislación | Australia | 2010

Palabra clave: Flora silvestre, Institución, Procedimientos judiciales/procedimientos administrativos, Corte/tribunal, Infracciones/sanciones, Patrimonio cultural, Pueblos indígenas, Especies en peligro, Protecíon de las especies


National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2001.

Legislación | Australia | 2001 (2006)

Palabra clave: Institución, Autorización/permiso, Infracciones/sanciones, Pueblos indígenas


Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.

Legislación | Australia | 1995 (2016)

Palabra clave: Especies en peligro, Política/planificación, Protección del hábitat, Institución, Clasificación/declasificación, Biodiversidad, Protecíon de las especies, Pueblos indígenas


Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

Legislación | Australia | 2016 (2018)

Palabra clave: Legislación básica, Institución, Conservación del ecosistema, Planificación ambiental, Autorización/permiso, EIA, Humedales, Inspección, Infracciones/sanciones, Biodiversidad, Desarrollo sostenible, Conocimientos tradicionales/ conocimiento indígena, Pueblos indígenas, Política/planificación, Pesca marítima, Protecíon de las especies, Investigación, Derechos tradicionales/derechos consuetudinarios, Manejo y conservación pesquera, Zona protegida, Contaminación de las aguas dulces, Control de la contaminación, Especies migratorias, Especies exóticas, Especies en peligro, Mamíferos marinos, Parques nacionales, Áreas marinas protegidas, Acceso y participación en los beneficios, Área marina