Legislative Decree No. 200 implementing Directive 2008/71/EC on the identification and registration of pigs. País/Territorio Italia Tipo de documento Legislación Fecha 2010 Fuente FAO, FAOLEX Fuente original Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana No. 282, 2 December 2010. Materia Ganado Palabra clave Sanidad animal Marcado/identificación Registro Porcinos Infracciones/sanciones Área geográphica Alpes, Europa, Europa y Central Asia, Países de la Unión Europea, Mediterráneo, Europa Meridional Resumen This Legislative Decree sets out provisions governing the identification and registration of pigs, without any prejudice to more detailed European Union rules which may be established for disease eradication or control purposes. Article 3 concerns the registration of holdings where pigs are bred or kept. Article 9 lays down penalties. Texto completo Italiano Página web www.comune.jesi.an.it Referencias - Legislación Implementa Council Directive 2008/71/EC on the identification and registration of pigs. Legislación | Unión Europea | 2008 Palabra clave: Porcinos, Marcado/identificación, Registro Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX