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Law No. 272-XIV on potable water.

Moldova, República de
Tipo de documento
1999 (2000)
Palabra clave
Abastecimiento de agua Agua potable Normas sobre calidad del agua Derecho al agua Derechos humanos
Área geográphica
CEI (Comunidad de Estados Independientes), Europa Oriental, Europa, Europa y Central Asia, Naciones en desarrollo sin litoral
Entry into force notes
The Law enters into force on the date of its official publication.

This Law regulates relations in the sphere of supply of potable water and establishes requirements for supply of natural and legal persons with potable water, safe functioning of potable water supply, quality of potable water and liability for the infringement of the legislation in the aforesaid sphere. It shall be applicable to central executive bodies and local self-government, owners of potable water supply systems and consumers of potable water. The Act consists of six Sections divided into 18 articles: (1) general provisions; (2) organization of potable water supply; (3) quality of potable water; (4) offences and penalties; (5) international agreements; and (6) conclusive and transitional provisions. The principles of the state policy in the sphere of potable water supply shall be: (a) responsibility of the state for supply of the population with potable water in accordance with the established water consumption and water quality standards; (b) priority development of the centralized potable water supply systems; (c) state supervision over the functioning of potable water supply systems; (d) water supply services in accordance with contract requiring payment; and (e) potable water saving. Potable water supply systems can be owned by the state, local self-government (municipal property) natural and legal persons. The main potable water supply system shall be public centralized water supply systems.

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Referencias - Legislación

Revocado por

Law No. 182 “On quality of potable water.”

Legislación | Moldova, República de | 2019

Palabra clave: Agua potable, Agua mineral, Salud pública, Negocios/industria/corporaciones, Monitoreo, Recopilación de datos/informes, Acceso-a-la-información, Abastecimiento de agua, Contaminación de las aguas dulces, Control de la contaminación