Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 País/Territorio Estados Unidos de América Tipo de documento Legislación Fecha 2021 Fuente FAO, FAOLEX Materia Agricultura y desarrollo rural, Energía, Medio ambiente gen., Pesca, Bosques, Agua, Especies silvestres y ecosistemas Palabra clave Negocios/industria/corporaciones Equidad Pueblos indígenas Empleo rural Eco-productos/ecoprocesos Conservación de energía/producción de energía Producción de energía hidroeléctrica Cambio climático Peligros Emisiones Subvención/incentivo Investigación Tasa/impuesto Pesca artesanal Forestación/reforestación Incendios forestales Ordenación forestal/conservación de montes Contaminación de las aguas dulces Control de la contaminación Agua potable Normas sobre calidad del agua Manejo de recursos hídricos Instalaciones Abastecimiento de agua Desarrollo sostenible Conservación del ecosistema Área geográphica Americas, Ártico, Pacífico Oriental, América del Norte, Atlántico Norte Resumen This Act authorizes funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs, and for other purposes. Among others, it provides for climate change including grants for charging and fueling infrastructure; reduction of truck emissions at port facilities; carbon reduction program; congestion relief program; promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Costsaving Transportation (PROTECT) program; and Healthy Streets program. Additionally, it provides for Indian affairs, including environmental reviews for certain tribal transportation facilities; programmatic agreements for tribal categorical exclusions; use of certain tribal transportation funds; bureau of Indian Affairs road maintenance program; study of road maintenance on Indian land; maintenance of certain Indian reservation roads; tribal transportation safety needs; and Office of Tribal Government Affairs. The Act further provides for sport fish restoration and recreational boating safety; supply chains for clean energy technologies; hydrogen research and development; nuclear energy infrastructure; hydropower; solar energy technologies on current and former mine land; energy efficiency and building infrastructure; natural resources-related infrastructure, wildfire management, and ecosystem restoration; western water infrastructure; drinking water; clean water; Indian water rights settlement completion fund; wildfire mitigation; reforestation; recycling practices; bioproduct pilot program; modification of automatic extension of certain deadlines in the case of taxpayers affected by federally declared disasters; and rural minority business center program. Texto completo Inglés