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Governmental Decree No. HG590/2018 validating the Concept for the reform of the national system of flood management, prevention and reduction of the consequences of floods.

Moldova, República de
Tipo de documento
Medio ambiente gen., Bosques, Agua
Palabra clave
Política/planificación Desastres Inundación Evaluación/manejo de riesgos Sistema de alerta rápida/sistema de intervención de emergencia Normas sobre calidad ambiental Instalaciones Monitoreo Gobierno local Bosques de protección Biodiversidad Efectos transfronterizos Forestación/reforestación Ordenación forestal/conservación de montes
Área geográphica
CEI (Comunidad de Estados Independientes), Europa Oriental, Europa, EUROPA Y CENTRAL ASIA, Países en Desarrollo Sin Litoral

Concept for the reform of the national system of flood management, prevention and reduction of the consequences of floods is a nationwide policy document aimed at the establishment of fundamental principles and objectives regarding flood protection, as well as the harmonization of legal and institutional framework in the field of management, prevention and reduction of risks of floods. Floods are natural phenomena that cannot be avoided, but which can be prevented. The main technical solution associated with the development of measures to protect populated settlements and floodplain lands, is the construction of protective dams against floods and monitoring the condition of dams during their operation. Contrary to the provisions of the Scheme for the protection of settlements from flooding, data results leveling of protective dams and the availability of projects of automated warning systems the necessary work was not completed due to lack of funds.

Texto completo
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Referencias - Legislación


Law No. 272 “On water”.

Legislación | Moldova, República de | 2011 (2018)

Palabra clave: Ley marco, Legislación básica, Política/planificación, Aguas superficiales, Aguas subterráneas, Captación de agua, Agua potable, Abastecimiento de agua, Derechos de agua, Escasez de agua/sequía, Efluente de aguas residuales/vertido, Instalaciones, Control de la contaminación, Contaminación de las aguas dulces, Participación pública, EIA, Autorización/permiso, Manejo de recursos hídricos