European Union (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Petroleum Exploration) Regulations 2013 (S.I. No. 134 of 2013). País/Territorio Irlanda Tipo de documento Reglamento Fecha 2013 Fuente FAO, FAOLEX Materia Recursos minerales, Desechos y sustancias peligrosas Palabra clave Minería Hidrocarburos Exploración Autorización/permiso Control de la contaminación EIA Contaminación oleosa Área geográphica Islas del Océano Atlántico, Europa, Europa y Central Asia, Países de la Unión Europea, Atlántico Norte, Atlántico Nordeste, Europa Septentrional Resumen These Regulations apply Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment to activities related to petroleum exploration. “Activities” means: (a) searching for petroleum (within the meaning of section 8(7) of the Petroleum and Other Minerals Development Act 1960) under an exploration licence; or (b) doing anything referred to in section 9(5) of the Act under a petroleum prospecting licence, and includes any deep-drilling. The Regulations concern on environment impact assessment as part of an application submitted by a holder of a licence to the Minister for the undertaking of activities. In carrying out his or her consideration and his or her environmental impact assessment, the Minister shall have regard to the matters specified in these Regulations. Texto completo Inglés Página web Referencias - Legislación Implementa Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment. Legislación | Unión Europea | 2011 (2014) Palabra clave: EIA, Procedimientos judiciales/procedimientos administrativos, Patrimonio cultural Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX Enmendado porr European Union (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Petroleum Exploration) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 (S.I. No. 124 of 2019). Legislación | Irlanda | 2019 Palabra clave: Minería, Hidrocarburos, Exploración, Autorización/permiso, Control de la contaminación, EIA, Contaminación oleosa Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX