Decree on animal health and its protection and on authorization and professional competence to perform certain professional veterinary activities. País/Territorio Chequia Tipo de documento Reglamento Fecha 2023 Fuente FAO, FAOLEX Fuente original Collection of Laws No. 176/2023 Materia Ganado Palabra clave Sanidad animal Plagas/enfermedades Higiene/procedimientos sanitarios Producción animal Protección de los animales Transporte/depósito Área geográphica Europa Oriental, Europa, Europa y Central Asia, Países de la Unión Europea Entry into force notes This Decree entered into force on 1 July 2023. Resumen This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is composed of 50 articles and 15 Annexes, lays down veterinary requirements for the environment in which animals are kept, for their treatment and protection against infections and diseases transmissible from animals to humans, for their marketing and veterinary requirements for keeping of animals in quarantine. Furthermore the present Decree establishes provisions on authorization and professional competence to perform certain professional veterinary activities including a veterinary inspector, an animal protection inspector against cruelty, an official veterinary assistant and an inspector of the state supervision over the classification of carcasses of slaughter animals. Texto completo Checo Página web Referencias - Legislación Implementa Veterinary Act No. 166/1999. Legislación | Chequia | 1999 (2018) Palabra clave: Legislación básica, Institución, Cuarentena, Higiene/procedimientos sanitarios, Vacunación, Protección de los animales, Enfermedades de los peces, Acuicultura, Sanidad animal, Control de calidad de los alimentos/inocuidad de los alimentos, Plagas/enfermedades Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX Revoca Decree on animal health and its protection, on transfer and transport of animals and authority and competence to perform certain professional veterinary activities. Legislación | Chequia | 2012 (2018) Palabra clave: Sanidad animal, Plagas/enfermedades, Higiene/procedimientos sanitarios, Producción animal, Protección de los animales, Transporte/depósito Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX