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Decree No. 31 of 1994 of the Ministry of Agriculture on the recognition of new breeds.

Tipo de documento
1994 (1999)
Fuente original
Jurix Collection of Hungarian Rules of Law, WWW, Hungary.
Palabra clave
Producción animal Procedimientos judiciales/procedimientos administrativos Clasificación/declasificación Certificación
Área geográphica
Europa Oriental, Europa, Europa y Central Asia, Países de la Unión Europea

This Decree provides for recognition procedures for new breeds with individual denomination. Breeding animals and material may be marketed only if originating from acknowledged breeds, hybrids and from crossbreeding programmes (art. 1). Applications for recognition for animals destined for the public breeding market, should be submitted. Rules on the patenting of breeds are comprised in article 2 (3). Articles 7-10 lay out provisions regarding the standards of classification of the new breed (taking into account improvement of the breed, its origin and protection by patent). The National Institute for Agricultural Quality Control checks the information supplied by the breeder. Article 17 deals with performance tests on the first generation. For the duration of the recognition procedure, temporary marketing licences for breeding animals may be granted (art. 18). A fee is payable for experimental performance tests. Any other costs related to examinations necessary for recognition are owed by the breeder (art. 19). The Institute prepares a report, regarding the examinations on the new breed presented for recognition, for the Ministry for approval (art. 20). The Ministry issues a document certifying recognition which is then registered with the Institute (art. 21). Conservation of the qualities characterizing the new breed is the responsibility of the breeder. Information regarding recognized breeds shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Ministry. Breeders' rights are provided for in article 22. Economically relevant characteristics of registered breeds are controlled by the Institute. Recognition may be prolonged, suspended or withdrawn by the Ministry in certain cases specified in article 23.

Texto completo

Referencias - Legislación


Law No. CXIV of 1993 on stockbreeding.

Legislación | Hungría | 1993 (2013)

Palabra clave: Acuicultura, Autorización/permiso, Biotecnología, Legislación básica, Producción animal, Reproducción animal, Cría en ranchos/cría en cautividad, Infracciones/sanciones, Inspección, Fondo especial, Recopilación de datos/informes, Acceso-a-la-información, Entidad no gubernamental


Enmendado porr

Decree No. 1/1999. of the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development on the implementation of Act XXVII of 1998 on biotechnology, in agriculture and food-industry.

Legislación | Hungría | 1999

Palabra clave: Zonificación, Procedimientos judiciales/procedimientos administrativos, Envasado/etiquetado, Comercio internacional, Organismo genéticamente modificado (OGM), Institución, Certificación, Registro, Autorización/permiso, Biotecnología, Transporte/depósito


Revocado por

Decree No. 123 of 2005 (XII. 27.) FVM of the Ministry of and Rural Development regarding the accreditation system of breeding organizations and the approval of new breeds.

Legislación | Hungría | 2005 (2014)

Palabra clave: Producción animal, Autorización/permiso, Cría en ranchos/cría en cautividad, Certificación, Inspección, Procedimientos judiciales/procedimientos administrativos, Registro