Decree No. 30 of 1997 of the Ministry of Agriculture on the protection, management and hunting of wildlife. País/Territorio Hungría Tipo de documento Reglamento Fecha 1997 (2000) Fuente FAO, FAOLEX Fuente original Jurix Collection of Hungarian Rules of Law, WWW, Hungary. Materia Especies silvestres y ecosistemas Palabra clave Fauna silvestre Temporadas Concesión Ordenación/conservación Política/planificación Autorización/permiso de caza Armas de caza/métodos de caza Infracciones/sanciones Área geográphica Europa Oriental, Europa, Europa y Central Asia, Países de la Unión Europea Resumen This Decree provides detailed rules for the implementation of the principal Law on wildlife protection, management and hunting. Article 1 lists species which are allowed to be hunted and Annex 3 determines open seasons. Requirements regarding the content of operational plans and annual game management plans are set forth in Annexes 4 and 5. Articles 22-26 lay down provisions for official hunters. The Decree governs the keeping of a register of killed game and the keeping of a hunting book. Articles 31-36 regulate the issuing of hunting licences. Annex 12 reproduces a model hunting licence. Hunting gear and methods as well as gundogs are provided for in Articles 40-42. Procedures prior to hunting and rules of behaviour are laid down in Articles 43-51. Trophy judging procedures are covered by articles 52-57. Articles 58-61 deal with responsibilities of hunters, assessment of damages to game or caused by game, financial contributions and penalties. Texto completo Húngaro Referencias - Legislación Implementa Law No. LV. of 1996 on the protection, management and hunting of wildlife. Legislación | Hungría | 1996 (2023) Palabra clave: Legislación básica, Caza/captura, Ordenación/conservación, Autorización/permiso de caza, Armas de caza/métodos de caza, Protección del hábitat, Acceso-a-la-información, Institución, Infracciones/sanciones, Cría en ranchos/cría en cautividad, Derechos de caza, Responsabilidad/indemnización, Conservación del ecosistema, Recopilación de datos/informes, Ordenación comunitaria Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX