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Act No. VI of 1993 on agrarian market regulation.

Tipo de documento
1993 (2000)
Fuente original
Jurix Collection of Hungarian Rules of Law, www, Hungary.
Agricultura y desarrollo rural
Palabra clave
Comercio interior Productos agrícolas Comercio internacional Desarrollo agrícola Subvención/incentivo Medidas financieras agrícolas Recopilación de datos/informes
Área geográphica
Europa Oriental, Europa, Europa y Central Asia, Países de la Unión Europea

This Law applies to the agricultural, fishery and food industry and forestry products, to persons or legal entitites producing, processing and marketing these products and to organizations established by this Law as Product Councils. Article 2 defines terms used in this Law. Article 3 deals with the institutional system of agrarian market regulation (the Minister, the Inter-departmental Committee and the product councils). The task of the Office for Agrarian Regulation, established by the Minister, is responsible for monitoring the application of the regulations. In article 5, the role and composition of the Inter-departmental Committee and its powers to pass decisions are determined. The Committee prepares decisions and gives its opinion on contracts to be concluded with the Product Councils. Articles 6 and 7 set forth provisions regarding the Product Councils' status, role and functioning. Methods of agrarian market regulation (direct and indirect government intervention on the markets) are covered in Articles 8 and 9: these are: determination of the range and amount of guaranteed price, publishing guiding price, voluntary production limitation, determination of the quota, ordering intervention in case of market decline, overproduction or lack of products, concluding contracts for production regulation with the Product Councils, determination of the amount and conditions of export and import subsidies, threshold or lock price application, call for application, creation of state reserves and sale of state reserves. Article 10 provides for financial sources. Rules regarding guaranteed price and guiding price are specified in articles 11 and 12. Article 13 deals with methods for quantative measures (incentives, restrictions and voluntary production limitations). Article 14 provides for quotas to be ordered by the Minister for fixed terms, in specified areas and for specified quantities and qualities. Export subsidies and export and import authorization systems and other protective measures are regulated by articles 17-20. Prevention of internal market decline and the management of agricultural production fluctuations are covered by articles 21-24, applicable in cases of over or under-production. This Law provides for an information system harmonized with the statistic data supply system (arts. 25-26). In the final provisions, the establishment of the Agrarian Regulation Office is ordered and its tasks shall be determined by separate regulation.

Texto completo

Referencias - Legislación

Implementado por

Decree No. 13 of 1998 of the Ministry of Agriculture on the classification of carcasses after slaughter.

Legislación | Hungría | 1998

Palabra clave: Clasificación/declasificación, Carne, Normas


Decree No. 15 of 1998 (IV. 3.) FM of the Ministry of Agriculture on the classification of pig carcasses and their commercial grading.

Legislación | Hungría | 1998 (2011)

Palabra clave: Clasificación/declasificación, Carne, Porcinos, Normas


Decree No. 14 of 1998 of the Ministry of Agriculture on the classification of beef carcasses and their commercial grading.

Legislación | Hungría | 1998 (2014)

Palabra clave: Clasificación/declasificación, Carne, Bovinos, Normas


Decree No. 16 of 1998 (IV.3.) of the Ministry of Agriculture on the classification of sheep carcasses and their commercial grading.

Legislación | Hungría | 1998 (2014)

Palabra clave: Clasificación/declasificación, Carne, Ovinos/caprinos, Normas, Envasado/etiquetado


Decree No. 9 of 1994 of the Ministry of Agriculture on classification after slaughter of pigs and cattle destined for human consumption.

Legislación | Hungría | 1994 (1998)

Palabra clave: Carne, Matanza, Inspección, Clasificación/declasificación, Control de calidad de los alimentos/inocuidad de los alimentos


Decree No. 3 of 1995 of the Ministry of Agriculture on some questions of application of the agrarian market regulation.

Legislación | Hungría | 1995 (1999)

Palabra clave: Procedimientos judiciales/procedimientos administrativos, Desarrollo agrícola


Decree No. 5 of 1997 of the Ministry of Agriculture on the regulation of the production cycle of cow milk.

Legislación | Hungría | 1997 (2001)

Palabra clave: Medidas financieras agrícolas, Leche/productos lácteos, Contrato/acuerdo, Institución, Procedimientos judiciales/procedimientos administrativos, Recopilación de datos/informes, Autorización/permiso


Decree No. 88 of 2001 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development on the regulation of the production cycle of natural sweeteners.

Legislación | Hungría | 2001

Palabra clave: Azúcar, Normas, Inspección, Control de calidad de los alimentos/inocuidad de los alimentos


Enmendado porr

Law No. CII of 1994 on wine growers' associations.

Legislación | Hungría | 1994 (2011)

Palabra clave: Viticultura/prácticas enológicas, Entidad no gubernamental, Negocios/industria/corporaciones


Revocado por

Act No. XVI of 2003 on agrarian market regulation.

Legislación | Hungría | 2003 (2011)

Palabra clave: Comercio interior, Productos agrícolas, Comercio internacional, Desarrollo agrícola, Subvención/incentivo, Medidas financieras agrícolas, Recopilación de datos/informes, Contrato/acuerdo, Entidad no gubernamental