× Information on this section of ECOLEX comes from the InforMEA Portal which compiled information from MEA Secretariats with the support of the European Union. The accuracy of the information displayed is the responsibility of the originating data source. In case of discrepancy the information as displayed on the respective MEA website prevails. On improving the effectiveness of operations within the international whaling commission Tipo de documento Resolution Número de referencia 2011-1 Fecha Jul 11, 2011 FuenteUNEP, InforMEA Estado Adoptado Materia Especies silvestres y ecosistemas, Mar Tratado Convención internacional para la reglamentación de la caza de la ballena (Dic 2, 1946) Reunión 63rd Meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC63) Página web crm.iwc.int Resumen Resolution 2011-1 ON IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF OPERATIONS WITHIN THE INTERNATIONAL WHALING COMMISSION RECALLING Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration that calls upon States inter alia to facilitate and encourage public awareness and participation by making information widely available; AWARE of the importance of transparency in international law; FURTHER RECALLING the adoption at its 53rd Annual Meeting of Resolution 2001-1 on transparency within the International Whaling Commission (IWC); AWARE that since then, international law and practice relating to transparency and participation in international decision-making have continued to develop, with the coming into force of relevant conventions at the global and regional level; RECOGNISING the good practice that has developed under the rules of procedure, financial rules and working methods and in the effective operation of the Conferences or Meetings of Parties under multilateral agreements on matters of inter alia reporting of proceedings, participation of observers and good financial governance; CONSIDERING effectiveness in the operations of the Commission continues to be of vital importance in maintaining the authority and legitimacy which the Commission needs to fulfil its mandate; FURTHER CONSIDERING that there are a number of areas where the operations of the Commission could benefit from enhanced transparency, including relations between the Commission and its members, procedures for reaching, recording and announcing decisions, and procurement of scientific advice; BELIEVING that effectiveness can be enhanced in these areas without placing undue administrative burdens on member governments, the Secretariat, or committees of the Commission; RECOGNISING that the Commission's Scientific Committee regularly reviews its own procedures with a view to improving its effectiveness; and MINDFUL of the need for the Commission to consider the procedures applying under other international agreements for providing assistance for the participation in international conferences or meetings of delegates, given article III.5 of the International Convention on the Regulation of Whaling (“the Convention”); NOW THEREFORE THE COMMISSION: RESOLVES that Commission procedures should be brought into line with current international good practice so as to improve the effectiveness of the operations of the organisation; ADOPTS the amendments to the Rules of Procedure and the Financial Regulations contained in the Annex to this Resolution; REQUESTS the Secretary to report 100 days before the 64th Annual Meeting of the Commission on potential options for providing assistance to member governments with limited means to participate actively in the Commission’s work, while retaining consistency with the Convention; REQUESTS the Scientific Committee to continue its practice of reviewing its operations and Rules of Procedure with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of its operations; REQUESTS the Secretary to convene a working group of Contracting Governments and observers immediately prior to IWC64 to consider the role of observers at meetings of the Commission based on experience gained in that regard at IWC63; RESOLVES to include the effectiveness of the operations of the IWC as a regular item or sub-item on the Commission’s agenda, to ensure that the Commission’s rules and procedures are kept up to date in line with international good practice, and to address any specific problems or issues arising in the operation of the Commission.