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Liabilities and Compensation

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C1 - DEC.19
Apr 10, 2019
Desechos y sustancias peligrosas
Palabra clave
Residuos peligrosos Responsabilidad/indemnización
Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa (Ene 30, 1991)
First Conference of Parties to the Bamako Convention
Página web
The Conference: Recalling Article 12 of the Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa ; Further recalling that Article 15, paragraph 2 of the Convention requires the Conference of the Parties to adopt rules of procedure for itself and for any subsidiary body it may establish ; Hereby: 1. Decides to establish an Ad-Hoc Expert Group on Liabilities and Compensation (AHG-LC) to meet as necessary in order to fulfill its tasks as mandated by the Conference of Parties subject to available resources; 2. Adopts the Terms of Reference (TOR) of AHG-LC annexed hereto (Annex I); 3. Requests the Secretariat and the Parties to identify the necessary funds and to convene a Meeting of the AHG-LC in 2011; 4. Instructs the AHG-LC to fulfill the tasks placed on it by the decisions of this Conference and to present a report on its work to the Second Meeting of the Conference of Parties. ANNEX I: Terms of Reference of Ad-Hoc Group on Liabilities and Compensation (AHG-LC) 1. Each Party shall designate a suitable representative and alternate to the Ad-Hoc Expert Group on Liabilities and Compensation (AHG-LC) who may be accompanied by other experts and advisers appointed by that Party. 2. The Ad-Hoc Expert Group on Liabilities and Compensation (AHG-LC) shall prepare a draft protocol setting out appropriate rules and procedures in the field of liabilities and compensation for damage resulting from the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes. 3. The Ad-Hoc Expert Group on Liabilities and Compensation (AHG-LC) will perform such other functions relating to the implementation of the Convention as may be instructed by the Conference of the Parties. 4. Notwithstanding paragraphs 2 and 3 of this TOR a Party may add any other specific issue in direct relation to the implementation of the Convention on the mandate of the STAC, with the approval of all Parties. 5. The Rules of Procedures of the Conference of the Parties apply mutatis mutandis to the meeting of the Ad-Hoc Expert Group on Liabilities and Compensation (AHG-LC).