× Information on this section of ECOLEX comes from the InforMEA Portal which compiled information from MEA Secretariats with the support of the European Union. The accuracy of the information displayed is the responsibility of the originating data source. In case of discrepancy the information as displayed on the respective MEA website prevails. Cooperation with other Institutions Tipo de documento Decision Número de referencia C1 - DEC.18 Fecha Apr 10, 2019 FuenteUNEP, InforMEA Estado Activo Materia Desechos y sustancias peligrosas Palabra clave Acuerdo internacional-texto Residuos peligrosos Residuos radiactivos Perfiles institucionales Comercio internacional Institución Tratado Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa (Ene 30, 1991) Reunión First Conference of Parties to the Bamako Convention Página web www.informea.org Resumen The Conference: Recalling Article 11 paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 of the Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa ; Aware of the cost involved and expertise needed for the implementation of the Bamako Convention and the availability of expertise and tools within other institutions which could be called on for its implementation; Mindful of the Conventions and agreements concluded under the auspices of the IAEA, including the Code of Practice on the International Transboundary Movement of Radioactive wastes and the Convention on the Safe Management of Nuclear Waste; Noting with appreciation the substantive and constructive working relations between the Parties and the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm, and the International Maritime Organization (IMO); Hereby: 1. Encourages the Secretariat to establish a strong collaboration with the Secretariat of the Convention to Ban the Importation into Forum Island Countries of Hazardous and Radioactive Wastes and to Control the Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within the South Pacific Region (Waigani Convention); 2. Further encourages the Secretariat to establish a strong collaboration with any other relevant Secretariats of Regional Conventions; 3. Requests the Secretariat of the Bamako Convention with a view to avoiding duplication and promoting synergies: a. To cooperate on critical issues for the implementation of the Bamako Convention with the relevant United Nations bodies, including the relevant Offices of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Maritime Organization, Interpol, the World Customs Organization, and other relevant international and regional organizations; b. To establish and strengthen organic and programmatic cooperation with the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions; c. To submit a report thereon to the next Meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Bamako Convention. 4. Further requests the Secretariat to undertake the necessary steps for conducting joint capacity development activities with the Secretariats of the Basel Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions for the management of chemicals and hazardous wastes in an integrated manner at the national level; 5. Further requests the Secretariat to cooperate with the IAEA on the harmonization and implementation of the provisions concerning the safety of management of radioactive wastes and to report thereon to the next meeting of the Conference of the Parties. 6. Calls on the Secretariat to make every effort to ensure the involvement of relevant NGOs where appropriate in particular in research, policy development, advocacy and awareness raising ; 7. Requests the Secretariat to cooperate with the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions to assist countries with the finalization, updating and implementation of their National Implementation Plans (NIPs) of the Stockholm convention; and 8. Urges the Secretariat to undertake joint fund raising efforts with the Secretariats of relevant Conventions relating to chemicals and wastes to aid in the implementation of the Conventions, including the development of a model national regulatory framework for the management of chemicals and hazardous wastes.