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Climate Change Article 12bis of the Carpathian Convention

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Nov 25, 2020
Medio ambiente gen.
Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians (May 22, 2003)
6th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Carpathian Convention
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The Conference of the Parties

1. Encourages the Parties, which have not done it so far, to ratify the amendment to the Carpathian Convention, (Article 12bis on Climate Change), adopted by Decision COP5/13, in order to strengthen the consideration of climate change in the implementation of the Convention activities;
2. Appreciates the efforts made by the Hungarian Presidency to reinforce the WG Climate Change with a stronger mandate, and approves its updated Terms of Reference, and in this respect, welcomes the Presidency Paper proposing a structured step-by-step approach for strengthening networking between relevant actors and collaboration on climate change in the Carpathians;
3. Adopts the “Long-term Vision 2030 towards combating climate change in the Carpathians”, defining strategic objectives and related targets for implementing Article 12bis, acknowledges the elaboration of the corresponding Implementation Framework 2030 and requests the WG The Conference of the Parties
1. Encourages the Parties, which have not done it so far, to ratify the amendment to the Carpathian Convention, (Article 12bis on Climate Change), adopted by Decision COP5/13, in order to strengthen the consideration of climate change in the implementation of the Convention activities;
2. Appreciates the efforts made by the Hungarian Presidency to reinforce the WG Climate Change with a stronger mandate, and approves its updated Terms of Reference, and in this respect, welcomes the Presidency Paper proposing a structured step-by-step approach for strengthening networking between relevant actors and collaboration on climate change in the Carpathians;
3. Adopts the “Long-term Vision 2030 towards combating climate change in the Carpathians”, defining strategic objectives and related targets for implementing Article 12bis, acknowledges the elaboration of the corresponding Implementation Framework 2030 and requests the WG Climate Change to develop a Workplan for the implementation period 2021-2023 based on this Framework;
4. Further requests that the Workplan referred to in COP6/15 para 3 prioritizes and further elaborates relevant activities from the Implementation Framework 2030 including core elements such as milestones, timelines, responsibilities and expected results, and calls upon the WG Climate Change to undertake necessary efforts for the implementation of the documents;
5. Encourages the Parties to promote sustainable climate change measures in mountain areas at Carpathian level in response to EU and international commitments (EC European Green Deal; UNFCCC, 2015 Paris Agreement; Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction; 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework);
6. Invites the Parties to strengthen regional cooperation and interaction through identifying common priority actions and harmonizing with national efforts on climate change in the Carpathian region;
7. Invites the WG Climate Change to further develop/establish close cooperation and explore joint activities with the other thematic Working Groups of the Carpathian Convention in order to ensure incorporation of climate change consideration into all relevant Convention’s topics and activities, and in this respect welcomes the preliminary ideas for potential topics for collaboration of the WG Climate Change with other Carpathian Convention Working Groups, recommended by the WG Climate Change at its 7th meeting2;
8. Specifically encourages the WG Forest and the WG Biodiversity and partners to jointly further develop with the WG Climate Change an assessment of the impacts of climate change on the Carpathian forests and their ecosystems services, including, if possible, climate change effects on large carnivores and their habitats, and requests the Secretariat to facilitate the process.
9. Encourages the Parties and the WG Climate Change in close cooperation with other WGs, to identify and promote nature-based solutions for climate mitigation and adaptation, to be best implemented at transboundary scale across the Carpathian region.