Commission of the European Communities v. Republic of Finland País/Territorio Unión Europea, Finlandia, Suecia Tipo de la corte Corte internacional Fecha Oct 6, 2009 Fuente UNEP, InforMEA Nombre del tribunal European Court of Justice Sede de la corte Luxembourg Juez AAÓ Caoimh, J,Klučka, UA, Arabadjiev JKokott. Número de referencia C-335/07 Idioma Finés Materia Medio ambiente gen., Desechos y sustancias peligrosas Palabra clave Desechos urbanos Salud pública Efluente de aguas residuales/vertido Normas sobre calidad del agua Tecnología ambiental Reciclado/reutilización Resumen The ECJ dismissed the Commissions action against Finland for failure to fulfill obligations by not requiring more stringent treatment of all waste water collected in agglomerations of more than 10 000 population equivalent (p.e) under Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste-water treatment. The Court first noted that Directive 91/271/EEC does not provide for a general obligation to require tertiary treatment of nitrogen from the discharges of every treatment plant of urban waste water from such agglomerations. Further, the Court held that the Commission has failed to establish that the quantity of nitrogen which comes from treatment plants of urban waste water from such agglomerations whose discharges flow into the Gulf of Bothnia contributes to eutrophication in the Baltic Sea. Accordingly, the Court concluded that the Commission has failed to prove that Finland was obliged to require tertiary treatment of nitrogen in every treatment plant of urban waste water from agglomerations of more than 10 000 p.e. whose discharges flow into the Gulf of Bothnia. Texto completo Commission of the European Communities v. Republic of Finland 06-10-2009 english.pdf Página web Referencias Cita Council Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment. Legislación | Unión Europea | 1991 Palabra clave: Control de la contaminación, Efluente de aguas residuales/vertido, Contaminación de las aguas dulces, Aguas superficiales, Residuos domésticos, Residuos no domésticos, Cuenca/área de captación/cuenca colectora, Aguas continentales Fuente: FAO, FAOLEX