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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Document type
Field of application
Jun 22, 1992
IUCN (ID: TRE-001147)
Title abbreviation


Title (French)

Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques

Title (Spanish)

Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático

Title (Other)

Rahmenübereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über Klimaänderungen

Place of adoption
New York
UN United Nations
English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish
Entry into force
Mar 21, 1994
Air & atmosphere
Climate change Intergenerational equity Technology transfer Data collection/reporting International organization Education Access-to-information Sustainable development Inventory Emissions EIA Research Dispute settlement Monitoring Precautionary principle Ozone layer Public participation

Objectives: To regulate levels of greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere, so as to avoid the occurrence of climate change on a level that would impede sustainable economic development, or compromise initiatives in food production. Summary of provisions: (a) Definitions of the basic terminology of the Convention, such as “climate change”, “climate system”, “emissions”, “greenhouse gases”, “reservoir”, “sink”, “source” (art. 1); (b) Principles to guide the Parties in their pursuit of the Convention’s objectives (art. 3). The Parties are to protect the climate system for present and future generations. Developing countries should be accorded appropriate assistance to enable them to fulfil the terms of the Convention. The Parties should work in cooperation, so as to obtain maximum benefit from initiatives in the control of the climate systems; (c) Commitments assumed under the Convention (art. 49. Parties are to prepare national inventories on greenhouse gas emissions, and on actions taken to remove them; formulate and implement programmes for the control of climate change; undertake cooperation in technology for the control of change in the climate system; incorporate suitable policies for the control of climate change in national plans; undertake education and training policies that will enhance public awareness in relation to climate change. The developed country Parties (and other Parties listed in annex I) commit themselves to take special measures to limit their anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, and to enhance the capacity of their sinks and reservoirs for the stabilization of such gases. The developed country Parties ( and other Parties listed in annex II) undertake to accord financial support to developing country Parties, enable the latter to comply with the terms of the Convention; (d) Cooperation by Parties in the establishment and promotion of networks and programmes of research into and systematic observation of climate change (art. 5); (e) Establishment of a Conference of Parties, to be the supreme body of the Convention and to oversee the implementation of the Convention (arts. 7,8,9 and 10); (f) Establishment of a financial mechanism, to provide resources on a grant or concessional basis, for the fulfilment of the objectives of the Convention (art. 11); (g) Procedure for the settlement of disputes (art. 14). (Source: UNEP Register of International Treaties and Other Agreements in the Field of the Environment, 2005)

Full text
English   French   Spanish   Other  
Online course
Introductory Course to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol


See Expanded View Show Map
Countries Entry into force Ratification * Simple signature
Afghanistan -
Albania -
Algeria -
Andorra -
Angola -
Antigua and Barbuda -
Argentina -
Australia -
Austria -
Azerbaijan -
Bahamas -
Bahrain -
Bangladesh -
Barbados -
Belgium -
Belize -
Benin -
Bhutan -
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) -
Bosnia and Herzegovina -
Botswana -
Brazil -
Brunei Darussalam -
Bulgaria -
Burkina Faso -
Burundi -
Cabo Verde -
Cambodia -
Cameroon -
Canada -
Central African Republic -
Chad -
Chile -
China -
Colombia -
Comoros -
Congo -
Congo, Dem. Rep. of -
Cook Islands (New Zealand) -
Costa Rica -
Cuba -
Cyprus -
Czech Republic
Côte d'Ivoire -
Denmark -
Djibouti -
Dominica -
Dominican Republic -
Ecuador -
Egypt -
El Salvador -
Equatorial Guinea -
Eritrea -
Estonia -
Eswatini, Kingdom of -
Ethiopia -
European Union
Fiji -
France -
Gabon -
Gambia -
Georgia -
Germany -
Ghana -
Greece -
Grenada -
Guatemala -
Guinea -
Guinea-Bissau -
Guyana -
Haiti -
Holy See -
Honduras -
Hungary -
Iceland -
India -
Indonesia -
Iran, Islamic Republic of -
Iraq -
Ireland -
Israel -
Italy -
Jamaica -
Jordan -
Kazakhstan -
Kenya -
Kiribati -
Korea, Dem. People's Rep.
Korea, Republic of -
Kuwait -
Kyrgyzstan -
Lao, People's Dem. Rep. -
Latvia -
Lebanon -
Lesotho -
Liberia -
Libya -
Liechtenstein -
Lithuania -
Luxembourg -
Madagascar -
Malawi -
Malaysia -
Maldives -
Mali -
Malta -
Marshall Islands -
Mauritania -
Mauritius -
Mexico -
Micronesia, Fed. States -
Moldova, Republic of -
Monaco -
Mongolia -
Montenegro -
Morocco -
Mozambique -
Myanmar -
Namibia -
Nauru -
Nepal -
New Zealand -
Nicaragua -
Niger -
Nigeria -
Niue (New Zealand) -
North Macedonia -
Norway -
Oman -
Pakistan -
Palau -
Palestinian Authority -
Panama -
Papua New Guinea -
Paraguay -
Peru -
Philippines -
Poland -
Portugal -
Qatar -
Romania -
Russian Federation -
Rwanda -
Saint Kitts and Nevis -
Saint Lucia -
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -
Samoa -
San Marino -
Sao Tome and Principe -
Saudi Arabia -
Senegal -
Serbia -
Seychelles -
Sierra Leone -
Singapore -
Slovenia -
Solomon Islands -
Somalia -
South Africa -
South Sudan -
Spain -
Sri Lanka -
Sudan -
Suriname -
Sweden -
Switzerland -
Syrian Arab Republic -
Tajikistan -
Tanzania, Un. Rep. of -
Thailand -
Timor-Leste -
Tonga -
Trinidad and Tobago -
Tunisia -
Turkey -
Turkmenistan -
Tuvalu -
Uganda -
Ukraine -
United Arab Emirates -
United Kingdom -
United States of America -
Uruguay -
Uzbekistan -
Vanuatu -
Venezuela, Boliv. Rep. of -
Viet Nam -
Yemen -
Zambia -
Zimbabwe -

* [1] Ratification [2] Accession/approbation [3] Acceptance/approval [4] Succession [5] Consent to be bound [6] Definite signature

References - Treaties

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1 record related to this treaty. View legislation
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