South Pacific Fisheries Treaty Document type Multilateral Field of application Regional/restricted Date Apr 2, 1987 Source IUCN (ID: TRE-000976) Title (French) Traité sur les pêcheries du Pacifique Sud Title (Other) Südpazifik Fischerei Abkommen Place of adoption Port Moresby Depository Papua New Guinea Language English Subject Fisheries Keyword Data collection/reporting Fishery management and conservation Marine fisheries Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings Fishing vessel International relations/cooperation Fishing licence Dispute settlement Enforcement/compliance Jurisdictional competence Liability/compensation Offences/penalties Registration Basin South Pacific Abstract Objectives: To maximise benefits flowing from the development of the fisheries resources within the exclusive economic zones or fisheries zones of the Pacific Island Parties. Summary of provisions: The Treaty establishes a licence system authorising fishing vessels of the United States to operate in the 'Licensing Area' of the Pacific Island Parties, as defined in article 1. The Government of the United States undertakes to co-operate, as appropriate, with the Pacific Island Parties, and promote the maximisation of benefits generated from the operations of its fishing vessels, through the provision of technical and economic support and through, inter alia, the employment of nationals of the Pacific Island Parties and purchase of equipment and supplies form suppliers located in the Pacific Island Parties (art. 2). Parties agree on the responsibility of the United States as flag state for the implementation and enforcement of the Treaty in regards of its vessels (art. 4). Compliance powers of the Pacific Island Parties are provided in article 5. Full text English Website Country/Territory/Participant See Expanded View Show Map Countries Entry into force Ratification * Simple signature Australia - Nov 30, 1987 [1] - Fiji - Nov 30, 1987 [1] - Kiribati - Nov 30, 1987 [1] - Marshall Islands - Nov 30, 1987 [1] - Micronesia, Fed. States - Nov 11, 1987 [1] - Nauru - May 25, 1987 [1] - Palau - Nov 30, 1987 [1] - Papua New Guinea - Nov 30, 1987 [1] - Solomon Islands - Nov 11, 1987 [1] - United States of America - Nov 3, 1987 [1] Apr 2, 1987 * [1] Ratification [2] Accession/approbation [3] Acceptance/approval [4] Succession [5] Consent to be bound [6] Definite signature reset zoom out zoom in Other references Literature 1 record related to this treaty. View literature