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Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and their Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Document type
Field of application
Jul 24, 2023
IUCN (ID: TRE-155959)
Title (French)

Protocole de Nagoya sur l'accès aux ressources génétiques et le partage juste et équitable des avantages découlant de leur utilisation relatif à la Convention sur la diversité biologique

Title (Spanish)

Protocolo de Nagoya sobre acceso a los recursos genéticos y participación justa y equitativa en los beneficios que se deriven de su utilización al Convenio sobre la diversidad biológica

Title (Other)

Nagoya Protokoll über den Zugang zu genetischen Ressourcen und die gerechte Verteilung der Gewinne aus deren Nutzung

Place of adoption
UN United Nations
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
Entry into force
Oct 12, 2014
Environment gen.
Climate change Biotechnology Access-to-information Public health Cultural heritage Agriculture and environment Food security Biodiversity Access and benefit sharing Capacity building Access-to-justice Enforcement/compliance Genetic resources
Full text
English   French   Spanish  
Online course
Introductory Course to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization


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Countries Entry into force Ratification * Simple signature
Afghanistan -
Albania -
Algeria - -
Angola -
Antigua and Barbuda -
Argentina -
Australia - -
Austria -
Bahamas -
Bahrain -
Bangladesh -
Belarus -
Belgium -
Benin -
Bhutan -
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) -
Botswana -
Brazil -
Bulgaria -
Burkina Faso -
Burundi -
Cabo Verde - -
Cambodia -
Cameroon -
Central African Republic -
Chad -
China -
Colombia - -
Comoros -
Congo -
Congo, Dem. Rep. of -
Costa Rica - -
Croatia -
Cuba -
Cyprus - -
Czech Republic -
Côte d'Ivoire -
Djibouti -
Dominican Republic -
Ecuador -
Egypt -
El Salvador - -
Eritrea -
Estonia -
Eswatini, Kingdom of -
Ethiopia -
European Union
Fiji -
France -
Gambia -
Germany -
Ghana -
Greece -
Grenada - -
Guatemala -
Guinea -
Guinea-Bissau -
Guyana -
Honduras -
Hungary -
India -
Indonesia -
Ireland -
Italy - -
Jordan -
Kazakhstan -
Kenya -
Kiribati -
Korea, Dem. People's Rep. -
Korea, Republic of -
Kuwait -
Kyrgyzstan -
Lao, People's Dem. Rep. -
Lebanon -
Lesotho -
Liberia -
Lithuania - -
Luxembourg -
Madagascar -
Malawi -
Malaysia -
Maldives -
Mali -
Malta -
Marshall Islands -
Mauritania -
Mauritius -
Mexico -
Micronesia, Fed. States -
Moldova, Republic of -
Mongolia -
Montenegro -
Morocco -
Mozambique -
Myanmar -
Namibia -
Nepal -
Nicaragua -
Niger -
Nigeria -
Norway -
Oman -
Pakistan -
Palau -
Panama -
Peru -
Philippines -
Poland - -
Qatar -
Romania -
Rwanda -
Saint Kitts and Nevis -
Saint Lucia -
Samoa -
Sao Tome and Principe -
Saudi Arabia -
Senegal -
Serbia -
Seychelles -
Sierra Leone -
Slovakia -
Slovenia - -
Solomon Islands -
Somalia - -
South Africa -
Spain -
Sudan -
Sweden -
Switzerland -
Syrian Arab Republic -
Tanzania, Un. Rep. of -
Thailand - -
Togo -
Tonga -
Tunisia -
Turkmenistan -
Tuvalu -
Uganda -
Ukraine -
United Arab Emirates -
United Kingdom -
Uruguay -
Vanuatu -
Venezuela, Boliv. Rep. of -
Viet Nam -
Yemen - -
Zambia -
Zimbabwe -

* [1] Ratification [2] Accession/approbation [3] Acceptance/approval [4] Succession [5] Consent to be bound [6] Definite signature

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