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International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

Document type
Field of application
Nov 2, 1973
IUCN (ID: TRE-000113)
Title abbreviation


Title (French)

Convention internationale pour la prévention de la pollution par les navires

Title (Other)

Internationales Übereinkommen von 1973 zur Verhütung der Meeresverschmutzung durch Schiffe

Place of adoption
IMO International Maritime Organization
English, French, German
Sea, Waste & hazardous substances
Transport/storage Marine pollution (dumping at sea) Data collection/reporting Survey/mapping Court/tribunal Monitoring Oil pollution Resource/damage valuation Oil International relations/cooperation Navigation Enforcement/compliance Dispute settlement Certification Inspection Liability/compensation Maritime zone Hazardous substances Offences/penalties Standards Marine pollution (ship-based sources)
Geographical area
North Sea

Objectives: To preserve the marine environment by achieving the complete elimination of international pollution by oil and other harmful substances and the minimisation of accidental discharge of such substances.

Summary of provisions: The Convention is a vehicle for enforcement and administration of the detailed provisions in the attached annexes I-V, the Protocol on Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Marine Pollution by Substances Other than Oil, and protocols I and II. Protocol I contains provisions concerning reports on incidents involving harmful substances. Annex I contains Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil, including a list of oils. Annex II contains Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk, including lists of such substances. Annex III contains Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Forms, or In Freight Containers, Portable Tanks or Road and Rail Tank Wagons. Annex IV contains Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships. Annex V contains Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships.

(Source: IUCN ELC, 08.2005, based on UNEP Register of International Treaties and Other Agreements in the Field of the Environment, 1996)

Full text
English   French  


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Countries Entry into force Ratification * Simple signature
Antigua and Barbuda - -
Australia - -
Belgium - -
Benin - -
Brazil - -
Brunei Darussalam - -
Bulgaria -
Colombia - -
Comoros - -
Congo - -
Denmark - -
France - -
Georgia - -
Germany -
Guinea - -
Hungary - -
Ireland -
Italy -
Jordan - -
Kenya - -
Malawi - -
Mexico - -
Mongolia - -
Morocco - -
Netherlands - -
Norway - -
Peru - -
Poland - -
Russian Federation - -
Senegal - -
Serbia - -
Spain - -
Sweden - -
Tonga - -
Tunisia - -
United Kingdom -
United States of America - -
Uruguay - -
Viet Nam - -
Yemen - -

* [1] Ratification [2] Accession/approbation [3] Acceptance/approval [4] Succession [5] Consent to be bound [6] Definite signature

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