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Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter

Document type
Field of application
Aug 5, 1981
IUCN (ID: TRE-000420)
Title abbreviation

LC 1972

Title (French)

Convention sur la prévention de la pollution des mers résultant de l'immersion de déchets

Title (Spanish)

Convenio sobre la prevención de la contaminación del mar por vertimiento de desechos y otras materias.

Title (Other)

Übereinkommen über die Verhütung der Meeresverschmutzung durch das Einbringen von Abfällen und anderen Stoffen

Place of adoption
London; Mexico City; Moscow; Washington D.C.
IMO International Maritime Organization
English, French, Russian, Spanish
Entry into force
Aug 30, 1975
Sea, Waste & hazardous substances
Authorization/permit Biological agents Marine pollution (dumping at sea) Oil pollution Toxicity/poisoning Hazardous waste International organization Radioactive waste Transport/storage Navigation Waste disposal Radioactive pollution Inspection Monitoring Marine pollution

Objectives: To control pollution of the sea by dumping.

Summary of provisions: The Convention covers all seas, and all deliberate disposal of wastes other than that incidental to the normal operation of e.g. ships and aircraft. Dumping of matter listed in annex I is prohibited. Dumping of matter listed in annex II is allowable only by special permit while dumping of matter listed in annex III is allowable only by general permit (art. 4). Exceptions are permitted only in the case of force majeure or extreme emergency. Parties undertake to establish authorities to issue permits, keep records and monitor the condition of the seas (art. 6). They agree to enforce measures on all flag aircraft and ships, as well as ships and aircraft loading within their territories/territorial seas (art. 7). Parties with particular interests in certain areas of the sea are to enter into regional agreements to prevent marine pollution (art. 8). Moreove, Parties are to collaborate in training personnel, supplying equipment for research and monitoring, and disposing of and treating wastes (art. 9). Procedures are to be developed for assessment of liability and settlement of disputes (art.10). Finally, Parties undertake to promote measures to prevent pollution by hydrocarbons, other matter transported other than for dumping, wastes generated during operation of ships etc., radioactive pollutants and matter originating from exploration of the sea bed (art. 12). This abstract takes into account the amendments of 1993.

(Source: IUCN ELC, 08.2005, based on UNEP Register of International Treaties and Other Agreements in the Field of the Environment, 1996)

Full text
English   French   Spanish  


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Countries Entry into force Ratification * Simple signature
Afghanistan -
Antigua and Barbuda -
Argentina -
Australia -
Azerbaijan -
Barbados -
Belarus -
Belgium -
Benin -
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) -
Brazil -
Bulgaria -
Cabo Verde -
Canada -
Chad - -
Chile -
China -
Colombia - -
Congo, Dem. Rep. of -
Costa Rica -
Croatia -
Cyprus -
Côte d'Ivoire -
Denmark -
Dominican Republic -
Egypt -
Equatorial Guinea -
Finland -
France -
Gabon -
Germany -
Greece -
Guatemala -
Haiti -
Honduras -
Hungary -
Iceland -
Iran, Islamic Republic of -
Ireland -
Italy -
Jamaica -
Japan -
Jordan -
Kenya -
Kiribati -
Korea, Republic of -
Kuwait - -
Lebanon - -
Lesotho - -
Liberia - -
Libya -
Luxembourg -
Malta -
Mexico -
Monaco -
Montenegro -
Morocco -
Nauru - -
Netherlands -
New Zealand -
Nigeria -
Norway -
Oman -
Pakistan - -
Panama -
Papua New Guinea -
Peru -
Philippines -
Poland -
Portugal -
Russian Federation -
Saint Lucia -
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -
Senegal - -
Serbia -
Seychelles -
Sierra Leone -
Slovenia -
Solomon Islands -
Somalia - -
South Africa -
Spain -
Suriname -
Sweden -
Switzerland -
Syrian Arab Republic -
Tanzania, Un. Rep. of -
Togo - -
Tonga -
Tunisia -
Ukraine -
United Arab Emirates -
United Kingdom -
United States of America -
Uruguay - -
Vanuatu -
Venezuela, Boliv. Rep. of - -

* [1] Ratification [2] Accession/approbation [3] Acceptance/approval [4] Succession [5] Consent to be bound [6] Definite signature

References - Treaties

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58 records related to this treaty. View literature
2 jurisprudence related to this treaty. View jurisprudence