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Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Document type
Field of application
Oct 19, 2000
IUCN (ID: TRE-001327)
Title abbreviation

Biosafety Protocol

Title (French)

Protocole de Cartagena sur la prévention des risques biotechnologiques relatif à la Convention sur la diversité biologique

Title (Spanish)

Protocolo de Cartagena sobre prevensión de riesgos biotecnológicos relativo al Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica

Title (Other)

Cartagena-Protokoll über die Biologische Sicherheit zu der Konvention der biologischen Vielfalt

Place of adoption
UN United Nations
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
Entry into force
Sep 11, 2003
Wild species & ecosystems, Environment gen.
Food quality control/food safety Precautionary principle Transport/storage Biosafety Biotechnology Access-to-information Sustainable use Education International trade GMO International agreement-text Biodiversity Financing Packaging/labelling Transboundary effects Risk assessment/management Institution Monitoring Liability/compensation
Link to abstract
Full text
English   French   Spanish  
Online course
Introductory Course to Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety


See Expanded View Show Map
Countries Entry into force Ratification * Simple signature
Afghanistan -
Albania -
Algeria -
Angola -
Antigua and Barbuda -
Argentina - -
Armenia -
Austria -
Azerbaijan -
Bahamas -
Bahrain -
Bangladesh -
Barbados -
Belarus -
Belgium -
Belize -
Benin -
Bhutan -
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) -
Bosnia and Herzegovina -
Botswana -
Brazil -
Bulgaria -
Burkina Faso -
Burundi -
Cabo Verde -
Cambodia -
Cameroon -
Canada - -
Central African Republic -
Chad -
Chile - -
Colombia -
Comoros -
Congo -
Congo, Dem. Rep. of -
Cook Islands (New Zealand) - -
Costa Rica -
Croatia -
Cuba -
Cyprus -
Czech Republic -
Côte d'Ivoire -
Denmark -
Djibouti -
Dominica -
Dominican Republic -
Ecuador -
Egypt -
El Salvador -
Eritrea -
Estonia -
Eswatini, Kingdom of -
Ethiopia -
European Union
Fiji -
Finland -
Gabon -
Gambia -
Georgia -
Germany -
Ghana -
Greece -
Grenada -
Guatemala -
Guinea -
Guinea-Bissau -
Guyana -
Haiti - -
Honduras -
Hungary -
Iceland - -
India -
Indonesia -
Iran, Islamic Republic of -
Iraq -
Ireland -
Italy -
Jamaica -
Japan -
Jordan -
Kazakhstan -
Kenya -
Kiribati -
Korea, Dem. People's Rep. -
Korea, Republic of -
Kuwait -
Kyrgyzstan -
Lao, People's Dem. Rep. -
Latvia -
Lebanon -
Lesotho -
Liberia -
Libya -
Lithuania -
Luxembourg -
Madagascar -
Malawi -
Malaysia -
Maldives -
Mali -
Malta -
Marshall Islands -
Mauritania -
Mauritius -
Mexico -
Moldova, Republic of -
Monaco - -
Mongolia -
Montenegro -
Morocco -
Mozambique -
Myanmar -
Namibia -
Nauru -
Nepal - -
New Zealand -
Nicaragua -
Niger -
Nigeria -
Niue (New Zealand) -
North Macedonia -
Norway -
Oman -
Pakistan -
Palau -
Palestinian Authority -
Panama -
Papua New Guinea -
Paraguay -
Peru -
Philippines -
Poland -
Qatar -
Romania -
Rwanda -
Saint Kitts and Nevis -
Saint Lucia -
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -
Samoa -
Saudi Arabia -
Senegal -
Serbia -
Seychelles -
Sierra Leone -
Slovakia -
Slovenia -
Solomon Islands -
Somalia -
South Africa -
Spain -
Sri Lanka -
Sudan -
Suriname -
Sweden -
Switzerland -
Syrian Arab Republic -
Tajikistan -
Tanzania, Un. Rep. of -
Thailand -
Togo -
Tonga -
Trinidad and Tobago -
Tunisia -
Turkey -
Turkmenistan -
Uganda -
Ukraine -
United Arab Emirates -
United Kingdom -
Uruguay -
Uzbekistan -
Venezuela, Boliv. Rep. of -
Viet Nam -
Yemen -
Zambia -
Zimbabwe -

* [1] Ratification [2] Accession/approbation [3] Acceptance/approval [4] Succession [5] Consent to be bound [6] Definite signature

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162 decisions related to this treaty. View decisions
84 records related to this treaty. View literature
2 jurisprudence related to this treaty. View jurisprudence