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Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

Document type
Field of application
Nov 29, 2016
IUCN (ID: TRE-160057)
Title (French)

Amendement au Protocole de Montréal relatif à des substances qui appauvrissent la couche d’ozone

Title (Spanish)

Enmienda del Protocolo de Montreal relativo a las Sustancias que Agotan la Capa de Ozono

Place of adoption
UN United Nations
Entry into force
Jan 1, 2019
Air & atmosphere
Ozone layer

Following seven years of negotiations, the 197 Montreal Protocol parties reached a compromise, under which developed countries will start to phase down HFCs by 2019. Developing countries will follow with a freeze of HFCs consumption levels in 2024, with some countries freezing consumption in 2028. By the late 2040s, all countries are expected to consume no more than 15-20 per cent of their respective baselines. (Source:

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English   French   Spanish  


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Countries Entry into force Ratification * Provisional application
Albania - -
Andorra -
Angola - -
Argentina - -
Armenia -
Australia -
Austria - -
Bangladesh - -
Barbados - -
Belarus - -
Belgium - -
Benin - -
Bhutan - -
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - -
Bosnia and Herzegovina - -
Botswana -
Brazil -
Bulgaria - -
Burkina Faso - -
Burundi - -
Cabo Verde - -
Cambodia - -
Cameroon - -
Canada - -
Chad - -
Chile - -
China -
Colombia - -
Comoros - -
Congo - -
Cook Islands (New Zealand) -
Costa Rica - -
Croatia - -
Cuba - -
Cyprus - -
Czech Republic -
Côte d'Ivoire -
Denmark -
Dominican Republic -
Ecuador - -
El Salvador -
Eritrea - -
Estonia - -
Eswatini, Kingdom of -
Ethiopia - -
European Union -
Fiji - -
Finland -
France -
Gabon -
Gambia - -
Germany -
Ghana - -
Greece - -
Grenada - -
Guinea - -
Guinea-Bissau - -
Holy See - -
Honduras - -
Hungary -
Iceland -
India - -
Indonesia - -
Ireland - -
Italy - -
Japan -
Jordan - -
Kiribati - -
Korea, Dem. People's Rep. - -
Korea, Republic of - -
Kyrgyzstan - -
Lao, People's Dem. Rep. -
Latvia - -
Lebanon - -
Lesotho - -
Liberia - -
Liechtenstein - -
Lithuania - -
Luxembourg - -
Malawi - -
Malaysia - -
Maldives - -
Mali -
Marshall Islands - -
Mauritius - -
Mexico -
Micronesia, Fed. States - -
Mongolia - -
Montenegro - -
Morocco - -
Mozambique - -
Namibia -
Nauru - -
Netherlands -
New Zealand - -
Nicaragua - -
Niger - -
Nigeria - -
Niue (New Zealand) - -
North Macedonia - -
Norway - -
Palau - -
Panama - -
Paraguay -
Peru - -
Philippines - -
Poland - -
Portugal -
Romania -
Russian Federation -
Rwanda - -
Saint Lucia - -
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - -
Samoa - -
San Marino -
Sao Tome and Principe - -
Senegal - -
Serbia - -
Seychelles -
Sierra Leone - -
Singapore - -
Slovakia - -
Slovenia - -
Solomon Islands - -
Somalia - -
South Africa - -
Spain -
Sri Lanka - -
Sweden - -
Switzerland - -
Syrian Arab Republic - -
Tajikistan - -
Tanzania, Un. Rep. of - -
Togo -
Tonga - -
Trinidad and Tobago - -
Tunisia - -
Turkey - -
Turkmenistan - -
Tuvalu - -
Uganda - -
United Kingdom - -
United States of America - -
Uruguay - -
Vanuatu - -
Viet Nam -
Zambia - -
Zimbabwe -

* [1] Ratification [2] Accession/approbation [3] Acceptance/approval [4] Succession [5] Consent to be bound [6] Definite signature

References - Treaties


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