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The protection of endangered species of animals in the Mediterranean Sea

Maffei M.C.
The Law of the Sea: New worlds, new discoveries
IUCN (ID: ANA-053458)
Publisher | Place of publication
Law of the Sea Institute | Honolulu, HI, USA
0-911189-26-2; US$ 58,-
253 - 299; 47 p.
Fisheries, Wild species & ecosystems
Wild fauna Protected animal species Management/conservation Marine mammals Fishing gear/fishing method

Other references


Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals

Treaty | Multilateral | Bonn |

Keyword: Inventory, Endangered species, Biodiversity, Ecosystem preservation, Birds, Protected animal species, Research, Protection of habitats, Institution, Protection of species, Management/conservation, Data collection/reporting, Dispute settlement, Wild fauna, Protected area, Mammals, Migratory species

Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000495)


International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling

Treaty | Multilateral | Washington D.C. |

Keyword: Seasons, Marine resources management, Institution, Marine fisheries, Hunting gear/hunting methods, Management/conservation, Hunting authorization/permit, Hunting/capture, Data collection/reporting, Protected animal species, Size, Marine mammals

Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000074)


Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat

Treaty | Multilateral | Ramsar |

Keyword: Biodiversity, Ecosystem preservation, Birds, Protection of habitats, Wetlands, Monitoring, Management/conservation, Migratory species, Coastal zone management, Protected area, Land-use planning

Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000531)


Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats

Treaty | Multilateral | Bern |

Keyword: Management/conservation, Migratory species, Hunting gear/hunting methods, Stock enhancement/repopulation, Ecosystem preservation, Wildlife products, Wild flora, Endangered species, Institution, Land-use planning, Hunting/capture, Biodiversity, Protection of species, Monitoring, Protection of habitats, International agreement-text, Wild fauna

Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000473)


Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

Treaty | Multilateral | Washington |

Keyword: Inventory, Wild flora, Authorization/permit, Endangered species, Certification, Biodiversity, International trade, Protected plant species, Protected animal species, Wild fauna, Wildlife products, Management/conservation, Offences/penalties, International agreement-text, Trade in species

Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000483)


United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

Treaty | Multilateral | Montego Bay |

Keyword: Alien species, Inspection, Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings, Management/conservation, Deep sea bed, Islands, Bycatch, Offences/penalties, Enforcement/compliance, Risk assessment/management, Fishing licence fee, Authorization/permit, Fishery management and conservation, Total allowable catch, Marine fisheries, Liability/compensation, Pollution control, Future generations, Marine pollution, Dispute settlement, Monitoring, Stock enhancement/repopulation, Maritime zone, Policy/planning, Marine pollution (dumping at sea), Size, Contract/agreement, Access right, Education, Data collection/reporting, Research, EIA, International organization, Long-range air pollution, Marine mammals, Mining, Business/industry/corporations, High seas, Sovereignty, Marine pollution (land-based sources), Migratory species, Vessel ownership, Court/tribunal, Marine resources management, Jurisdictional competence, Fishing licence, Harbour, Early warning system/emergency intervention system, Fishing gear/fishing method, Navigation, Registration, Continental shelf, Marine pollution (ship-based sources), Exploration, Seasons, International relations/cooperation, Technology transfer, EEZ-Exclusive Economic Zone, Sustainable use

Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000753)