The economic value of wild resources in Senegal : A preliminary evaluation of non-timber forest products, game and freshwater fisheries Author Ba C., Bishop J., Deme M., Diadhiou H.D., Dieng A.D., Diop O., Garzon P., Gueye B., Kebe M., Ly O.K., Ndione C.M., Sene Astou Date 2006 Source IUCN (ID: MON-080179) Title (French) Evaluation économique des ressources sauvages au Sénégal : évaluation préliminaire des produits forestiers non ligneux, de la chasse et de la pêche continentale Publisher | Place of publication IUCN | Gland, Switzerland ISBN 2-8317-0938-5 Pages 62 p. Document type Document of international organization Language English Country/Territory Senegal Subject Wild species & ecosystems Keyword Forest management/forest conservation Freshwater fishes Non-timber products Full text MON-080179.pdf Website