Survey of existing international agreements and instruments: nature conservation and terrestrial living resources Author Forster M.J., Osterwoldt, R.U. Date 1991 Source IUCN (ID: MON-046052) Publisher | Place of publication unpublished Pages 63 p. Document type Serial/multi-volume work Language English Field of application International Subject Wild species & ecosystems, Forestry Keyword Forest management/forest conservation Wild fauna Comprehensive description Wild flora Management/conservation Geographical area Europe, Antarctica, South America, Africa Abstract Contents: 1. The 1949 Washington Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere, as amended 2. The 1983 FAO International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources Other references Treaty Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals Treaty | Multilateral | Bonn | Jun 23, 1979 Keyword: Inventory, Endangered species, Biodiversity, Ecosystem preservation, Birds, Protected animal species, Research, Protection of habitats, Institution, Protection of species, Management/conservation, Data collection/reporting, Dispute settlement, Wild fauna, Protected area, Mammals, Migratory species Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000495) Treaty Convention for the Conservation and Management of the Vicuna Treaty | Multilateral | Lima | Dec 20, 1979 Keyword: Non-edible products, Stock enhancement/repopulation, Camelids, Mammals, Management/conservation, Protected area, Protected animal species, International agreement-text, Animal production, Biodiversity, Trade in species Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000102) Treaty The Antarctic Treaty Treaty | Multilateral | Washington D.C. | Dec 1, 1959 Keyword: Research, Inspection, Institution, Military activities, Data collection/reporting, Monitoring, Nuclear energy Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000457) Treaty Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat Treaty | Multilateral | Ramsar | Feb 2, 1971 Keyword: Biodiversity, Ecosystem preservation, Birds, Protection of habitats, Wetlands, Monitoring, Management/conservation, Migratory species, Coastal zone management, Protected area, Land-use planning Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000531) Treaty Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats Treaty | Multilateral | Bern | Sep 19, 1979 Keyword: Management/conservation, Migratory species, Hunting gear/hunting methods, Stock enhancement/repopulation, Ecosystem preservation, Wildlife products, Wild flora, Endangered species, Institution, Land-use planning, Hunting/capture, Biodiversity, Protection of species, Monitoring, Protection of habitats, International agreement-text, Wild fauna Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000473) Treaty Convention on Conservation of Nature in the South Pacific Treaty | Multilateral | Apia | Jun 12, 1976 Keyword: Endangered species, Management/conservation, Wild fauna, Protected area, Education, Protection of species, Protection of habitats, Wild flora, National parks, Hunting/capture, Biodiversity, Institution, International agreement-text, Ecosystem preservation, Inventory, Alien species Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000540) Treaty Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Treaty | Multilateral | Washington | Mar 3, 1973 Keyword: Inventory, Wild flora, Authorization/permit, Endangered species, Certification, Biodiversity, International trade, Protected plant species, Protected animal species, Wild fauna, Wildlife products, Management/conservation, Offences/penalties, International agreement-text, Trade in species Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000483) Treaty Treaty for Amazonian Cooperation Treaty | Multilateral | Brasilia | Jul 3, 1978 Keyword: Access right, International relations/cooperation, Data collection/reporting, Navigation, Protection of species, Wild flora, Institution, Management/conservation, International agreement-text, Research, Wild fauna, Monitoring, International trade, Basin/catchment/watershed, Land-use planning, Ecosystem preservation, Internal trade Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000515) Treaty African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Treaty | Multilateral | Algiers | Sep 15, 1968 Keyword: Potable water, Biodiversity, Protected area, Wildlife products, Zoning, Water supply, Management/conservation, Endangered species, Erosion, Hunting gear/hunting methods, International agreement-text, Soil conservation/soil improvement, Wetlands, Research, Wild fauna, Education, Wild flora, Ecosystem preservation Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000492) Treaty Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Treaty | Multilateral | Paris | Nov 23, 1972 Keyword: Inventory, Institution, Research, Cultural heritage, Financing, Education, Management/conservation, Data collection/reporting, Special fund, Protected area Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-155235) Treaty ASEAN Agreement on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Treaty | Multilateral | Kuala Lumpur | Jul 9, 1985 Keyword: Biodiversity, Protection of habitats, Endangered species, Wild fauna, Forestry protection measures, Access-to-information, Stock enhancement/repopulation, Research, Access and benefit sharing, Protection of species, International organization, Sustainable use, EIA, Transboundary effects, Genetic resources, Management/conservation, International agreement-text, Exploration, Wild flora, Protected area, Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution, Air quality/air pollution, Public participation, Soil conservation/soil improvement, Trade in species, Land-use planning, Ecosystem preservation, Afforestation/reforestation Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-000820)