Overlapping traety regimes and the Memorandum of Cooperation between SPAW and CBD Author Anderson W. Journal/Series Environmental Policy and Law | Vol. 28(5); 237 - 242; 6 p. Date 1998 Source IUCN (ID: ANA-064914) Publisher | Place of publication IOS Press | Amsterdam, The Netherlands Document type Article in periodical Language English Subject Environment gen. Keyword National implementation/transposal Biodiversity Geographical area Caribbean DOI https://doi.org/10.3233/EPL-1998-28503 Other references Treaty Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife to the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region Treaty | Multilateral | Kingston | Jan 18, 1990 Keyword: Fishing gear/fishing method, Environmental planning, Wild fauna, Waste disposal, Wildlife products, Ecosystem preservation, Exploration, Protected area, Hunting/capture, EIA, Wild flora, Endangered species, Trade in species, Hunting gear/hunting methods, Biodiversity, Alien species, International relations/cooperation, Protection of habitats, Monitoring, International agreement-text, Public participation, Marine protected areas, Marine pollution, Data collection/reporting, Education, Policy/planning, Marine area, Navigation Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-001040) Treaty Convention on Biological Diversity Treaty | Multilateral | Rio de Janeiro | Jun 22, 1992 Keyword: Sustainable use, Subsidy/incentive, Policy/planning, Ecosystem preservation, Access and benefit sharing, Traditional rights/customary rights, Protected area, Management/conservation, Financing, Institution, Liability/compensation, Protection of habitats, Alien species, Biodiversity, EIA, Research, Monitoring, Genetic resources, Dispute settlement, Ex-situ conservation, Data collection/reporting, Technology transfer, Biotechnology, Education, Crops/grasses Source: IUCN (ID: TRE-001148)