Governance of the Mediterranean Sea : Outlook for the legal regime Author Chevalier C. Date 2005 Source IUCN (ID: MON-073311) Title (French) Gouvernance de la Mer Méditerranée: Régime juridique et prospectives Title (Spanish) Gobernanza del Mar Mediterráneo : Estatus legal y prospectivas Publisher | Place of publication Centre de Coopération pour la Méditerranée de l' UICN | Malaga, Spain ISBN 2-8317-0862-1 Pages 30 p., incl. CD-ROM Document type Document of international organization Language French, English, Spanish Field of application International Subject Sea Keyword Territorial sea EEZ-Exclusive Economic Zone Marine area Marine protected areas High seas Continental shelf Maritime zone Fishing area Basin Mediterranean Abstract Contents (CD-Rom): 1. General issue of governance of the Mediterranean Sea 2. Governance in the Mediterranean beyond territorial sea (Complete information relative to the Workshop on Governance in the Mediterranean Beyond Territorial Seas organised by IUCN (Malaga, Spain) on 15 and 16 March 2004) 3. Marine protected areas in the high seas (Complete information on the Workshop on Marine Protected Areas in the High Seas, Malaga 15-17 January 2003) Full text MON-073311.pdf MON-073311FR.pdf MON-073311SP.pdf Website